
State Convention Notes

Snyder gets his man…reprise…


The state GOP elite marshaled its forces over the summer with the intention of protecting the Lt. Governor, and they succeeded. While the voting delegate count remained static, the outcome was reversed in comparison with the 2012 result that replaced Saul Anuzis in a conservative push that nearly unseated State Chair Bobby Schostak. A victory for the incumbent regime, or is it? With Common Core looming, and the the tie breaking vote on the Medicaid Expansion in Calley’s political resume’ , the conservative wing of the party may not be finished yet. There is still the November election.

The nomination of Wes Nakagiri was not just a symbolic gesture on the part of conservatives in the Republican party, it was a message to the established leadership that something has to change, and soon. The party has had four years to absorb the conservative message, and has chosen to reject it on a consistent basis. Rules changes for the nomination process were designed to discourage candidates from entering the political fray, not encourage them, and to further the debate. Nakagiri overcame all of them but in the end, the packing of the delegate convention with establishment types; including Lansing staffers; preserved the big government, “little tent” leadership. The decision, and effort, to exclude the conservative base from the party conversation has never been more obvious.

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While You Are At The Convention Part II

You will have plenty of special things to talk about

This is somehow NOT surprising.

RINOcrat_BairdMlive reports

“Top aide to Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder claiming principal property tax exemptions in 2 states”

A top aide to Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder who ran for a Republican precinct delegate post this month in Bath Township is registered to vote in two states and has reportedly claimed principal property tax exemptions in each.

Oh snap.

Oh yeah..  Isn’t he a voting delegate too?  Why yes, yes he is

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Pissant’s unhinged rant of the day.

These extremists are what Oakland County Executive L. Brooks Patterson rightly calls the “Taliban wing” of the GOP.

Ah yes, old Babbling Brooksie is a helluva example.

While the extremists attempt to portray themselves as principled conservatives fighting against what they claim to be Republicans-in-name-only (aka RINOs), the truth is they are the pretenders.

That isn’t to say everyone in the tea party is a conservative pretender.

Far from it, actually.

Unfortunately, the mothers, fathers, grandfathers and grandmothers who filled parks and courthouse lawns four years ago were preyed upon by all sorts of hucksters and grifters, who declared themselves to be the tea party leaders.

They then aligned with extremists, themselves the descendants of the John Birch Society who were rightfully expelled from the conservative movement by Ronald Reagan, William F. Buckley Jr. and Michigan’s own Russell Kirk when these three served as the political and intellectual leaders of conservatism.

That’s why political leaders and activists who were the tea party long before the tea party existed — Macomb County’s Leon Drolet comes to mind — [snip]

Bingo! Where it always leads to if one allows a platform to a moronic Millennial.

Ps. Mush-mouth Buckley’s son turned out to be a pile of dung, too.

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Common Core and the Trucker Wiser Flip-Flop Connection

Like a bad horror movie called a Nightmare on Christmas Eve this script features questionable characters. Starring in this production is Ebenwiser Scrooge a man with millions of unscrupulous ways to buy political seats. Common Core Wiser Vote No

Co-Starring is the clumsy overweight not too bright fella “Bad Santa.” This con-man known as “Bad Santa” looks like he’s been hanging out at a Fat Fellas BBQ convention.

As the movie unfolds it turns out this real “Bad Santa” is a radio show co-host on the poorly rated, small market and very undesirable RINO Supporters Broadcasting Network (RSBN).

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