No, not joking about Graham Beal (actually, Ron Weiser organized the theft from us for that money pit), as you soon will see who is selected to operate the DRIC boondoggle.
Canada appointed Kristine Burr and Genevieve Gagnon to the International Authority while Michael D. Hayes, Birgit M. Klohs and Matt Rizik [more Pricewaterhouse cronies just like Rich Baird] were appointed by
Michigan[Slick Rick]. Burr will serve as the chairwoman of the authority. Officials said a third Canadian member will be selected soon by the new Windsor-Detroit Bridge Authority, which also had appointments announced Wednesday.Burr recently served as assistant deputy minister of Policy for Transport Canada; Gagnon is president of XTL Transport Inc.; Hayes is president and CEO of the Midland Center for the Arts; Klohs is the president and CEO of the Right Place Inc.; Rizik is the chief tax officer for Rock Ventures LLC.
The International Authority will oversee and approve key steps in the procurement process for the crossing.
I guess cousin George didn’t want a seat at the table (pun intended) of the NAFTA Bridge.
UPDATE: our good friend, Mr. Ed Arditti has more at Windsor Square.

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