Michigan Politics

Michigan Political considerations.

Why Is This Load So Heavy?

Did Melanie Reinhold Foster ever encounter a housing or tuition increase she didn’t agree with?

Edward John Markey, the junior U. S. Senator from Massachusetts (since July 16th, 2013) has represented the Bay State in Congress since November 2nd, 1976. Adding in his time in the Massachusetts House of Representatives (starting January 3rd, 1973), he’s served a total of a little over 41-½ years in publicly-elected office. During this time, Markey has developed a reputation, supported by both his voting record and his own live-mic admission, of having never once seen a tax increase that he didn’t support. (The long-running backroom joke is that the surefire way to get Markey’s support on a bill that he’d otherwise oppose is to slip a tax increase into the final version of the bill.)

Similarly, a certain candidate for this summer’s convention nomination to a certain university governing board already has an 18-year history on the governing boards of Michigan’s Division I universities. Reviewing her history during that time, I have found no evidence whatsoever of a tuition or housing increase that she wouldn’t support. If she gets back on one of those boards this fall, then that particular habit is going to be a problem.

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Giant Killers

"Biblical" might be the word applied to recent political electoral happenings

goliath1The defeat of US House Majority Leader Eric Cantor yesterday has revived the hopes of tea folk across the country, and has set a different tone for the 2014 election season.

While it is only ONE race, it is a whopper; the coattails of which might have real consequence in current GOP contests. One of those is the Dan Benishek (CD-1) incumbency being challenged by business owner, veteran, and political newcomer Alan Arcand.

Arcand, who has been highly visible in Northern lower Michigan, will likely see a boost from the news of Cantor’s defeat; primarily because it drives home the reality that a successful challenge CAN be made if the incumbent is seen as giving in to the other side.  It is not all automatic for the good Dr., who rode in to a win on the tea party train of 2010.

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Small Victories

Cantor succumbs to conservatives


Small Victories

I keep telling the conservative activists I work with each campaign cycle that they need to look for the ‘small victories’ achieved in any election, rather than dwell on any defeat. The defeats far outnumber the victories. The letdown is tremendous, not only is the air let out of your balloon, but a huge rock is placed on top of it. At my age, and with my political objectives set from local races to national ones, reinflating that balloon requires some major time and effort. The time is spent ‘under the rock’ just wondering what one individual can accomplish against a political system so corrupt and weighted against any ‘outsider’ that victory appears impossible. That is when I think of my grandkids. That is when I think of ‘my’ America compared to what theirs will be, and I remove the ‘rock’. The ‘small victories’ reinflate my balloon. The Scott Brown victory to gain the “Kennedy Seat”; I joined the “Brown Brigade” to do what I could from my keyboard in Michigan, lining up phone bank volunteers from across the country to help him win. It inspired me to do more. Three election cycles, two local recall battles, and the defeat of a horrendous tax millage later; it is the small victories that keep me focused on the goal of restoring the greatest nation and society this planet has ever seen. Last night was a ’small victory’…HUGE in its effect on the rest of the 2014 elections, and ONE in particular…the Michigan 1st District primary.

I’ve had a feeling of a different version of ‘climate change’, this time, the political winds are changing. The campaign promises of Dan Benishek lie in broken pieces across four years of establishment party politics. The people he was elected to represent are tired of the same rhetoric and inaction; the complete lack of ‘spine’ , the ‘fluff’ PRs and ads. We want to hear the bald truth. We want commitment to conservative American principles and values. We want someone to stand for those as our representative in Washington. This isn’t a political party thing, it’s an AMERICAN thing. We want our country back. Virginia said it in spades yesterday, the ‘establishment’ was kicked in the teeth. Eric Cantor was found guilty of representing himself and the bug government he was part and parcel of by the voters of VA-07. The only work he was busy doing in that district was apparently a substantial effort to purge the Republican local parties of conservatives. Evidently, that backfired. There is a message in that somewhere for the rest of the nation’s establishment Repubicans…”Use us, or lose us.”…Cantor lost us.

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Cantor’s Defeat Proves “The Conservative Tea Party” Voice Means Business

This should show the establishment MIGOP that when they attack the Grassroots, Conservatives, Libertarians and Tea Party faithful and their voices are ignored you will pay a price at the voting booth! A Tea Party

For Michigan’s Republican voters can you say the “dele-gate” fiasco with the Romney supporters or how about that fiasco at the Tampa Convention?

But it just doesn’t end with those two examples either. How about all the state party rule changes brought down by the power brokers of the MIGOP as to stifle the Grassroots Conservative Tea Party voices here in Michigan?

The party establishment will go to any and all lengths as to protect their perceived power and control along with their spots at the public “feeding trough” over its shrinking membership. 

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Shades Of Bob Bennett

Could the unexpected defeat of Eric Cantor foretell another conservative wave like the Bob Bennett race did in 2010?

gadsden-flagMichigan’s capitulating Republicans should take note.

In 2010 Bob Bennett was the first contemporary shot fired across the bow of ‘establishment’ Republicans.  His denial in the 2010 selection process served as a warning to those who capitulate a little too well with THE OTHER SIDE.  He was removed and replaced with a rock solid Mike Lee.

Since that that year’s drubbing of liberals, the importance of the tea folk has been ignored or belittled, as the GOP old guard attempted to take back the power they had only ‘loaned’ to the Gadsden waving conservatives.

One of the issues that is a hot button issue amongst the constitutional crowd is immigration reform.  Its not a problem that we have immigrants, but one of loading the system and the federal government not doing their job.  House majority leader Eric Cantor has taken a position favorable to immigration reform and amnesty.  It was likely the reason he fell.

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Michigan Right to Life Endorsements

Michigan Right to Life has just issued its endorsements for the 2014 primary.  RTL swings a significant number of Michigan primary voters, so its endorsements will decide some races.

RTL will recommend all candidates if they are all pro-life, but if there is a serious non-pro-life candidate, they will pick one pro-life candidate to endorse.  Their noteworthy endorsements are listed below.

3. RTL endorsed Brian Ellis over Justin Amash.  They did not endorse Amash in 2012.  They apparently are still ticked over Amash not voting to defund Planned Parenthood (he opposed targeting a specific organization).  This may complicate Amash’s reelection.
4. John Moolenaar.  Does this mean that self-funding businessman Paul Mitchell is not pro-life?  Tea partier Peter Konetchy is also running.
6. Fred Upton is again endorsed, despite his long pro-abortion record.
8. Both Mike Bishop and Tom McMillin
11. Kerry Bentivolio over Dave Trott

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Will the real Rick Snyder, please stand up?

The governor’s spin people are certainly working overtime trying to pour industrial quantities of perfume on his latest pig (a.k.a. Detroit Bailout).

I’m not going to go (too much) into why this was a terrible package of bills. I’ve done that enough already.

No, today I’m going to go into why Gov. Snyder can’t just show just a tad of integrity, take a position on an issue and simply stick with it.

It really isn’t that difficult to do (unless of course your name is Rick Snyder).

{Continued after the fold}


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For Thirty Pieces Of Silver

When it comes to campaign finance, the tea party movement just doesn’t get it

“You can’t save the world if you can’t pay the rent.” – Morton Blackwell

It’s always an interesting academic exercise to attempt to calculate what Judas Iscariot’s 30 pieces of silver would have been worth in contemporary American currency. Depending upon whose calculations you use (and what assumptions they started with), estimates have varied from a few “benjamins” to a quarter-million “eisenhowers.” Almost all of the speculation, however, misses the point. And if you’re wondering how Judas’ epic infamy is connected to Mr. Blackwell’s wisdom, well, we’ll discuss that after the break.

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Speaking Of Trevor Loudon

trevHe will be in Michigan!

Author, speaker, political guru, and native New Zealander, Trevor Loudon is storming the states on a national book tour with a message for America. As he swings through Michigan in early June to discuss his recent book “The Enemies Within” you can catch his presentation locally on Sunday, June 8TH in Bay City at the Bay Valley Resort and Conference Center, and the following Tuesday in Traverse City  The FIRST event however, will be on Friday! See image to right and click for details –>

SUNDAY June 8, 2014

The Great Lakes Bay Speakers Forum presents “An evening with Trevor Loudon” from 7PM to 9PM. Following his presentation you can meet him, purchase a personally autographed book, and enjoy some great food/refreshments at the afterglow reception as well as mingle with your neighbors and friends from the area.

The cost is $20 per person and tickets can be purchased on the web in advance at Eventbrite.com: An Evening with Speaker & Author Trevor Loudon . The Great Lakes Bay Speakers Forum is offering a special promotional $10 voucher towards the purchase of any Trevor Loudon book with all paid admissions to the event on Sunday, June 8TH only! Come out and take advantage of the special pricing!
Click HERE for details and to purchase tickets.

Tuesday June 10, 2014

Traverse City Elks Club
10:00 am – 11:30 am
cost: $3.00 per person (includes coffee and pastry)

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Detroit Bailout Leaves Michigan Taxpayers On The Hook For More Than $195 Million – AND A LOT MORE!

1 Detroit Aid $195M

Below you will find just a few examples of how Michigan Taxpayers are on the hook for a hell of a lot more than this “Grand Crap Sandwich Bargain” of $195 Million of your tax dollars! If this isn’t leaving a bad taste in your wallet just wait, now that this is done they are working real hard for you up in Lansing to pass legislation as to raise your Gas Taxes too. 2 FilmTaxCredit

While Detroit Goes Bankrupt, Michigan Taxpayers Hand Disney’s ‘OZ’ Nearly $40 Million in Film Credits and this is but one example there are numerous other Film Subsidies that have and will be handed out to Obama’s Hollywood supporters!

The hard part to swallow is our legislators all think it’s funny that they are spending our tax dollars on this wasteful venture that corrupt politicians created in the first place. They won’t be out done they will all laugh when they pass yet more tax increases on we Taxpaying Citizens of Michigan.

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