Government Incompetence

A State Of Emergency

Unbound utilities, unchecked environmentalism, and short-sighted planning responsible for when/if the lights go out.

Years ago I wrote on the EPA regulations that essentially write off the future of coal for electrical generation.

Shortly after that that I wrote another piece which described the layers of problems facing the folks in rural areas, and specifically the Upper peninsula with the failure to support our coal burning electrical platform.  However, the meat of the piece better describes the way in which natural gas providers have also played a a part in defeating coal.

Coming amidst an impending decision by the EPA on the Utility MACT (maximum achievable control technology)  rule that is expected to lead to job loses, plant shutdowns, and rolling blackouts across the country, this strange partnership raises a question.  What does Chesapeake stand to gain, by pouring money into a seemingly disparate organization with extremely different objectives and priorities? Politico writes:

The ads come as the coal industry is at war with the Obama administration over new rules to curb pollution from coal-fired power plants. The EPA is expected to issue new rules on Friday to curb air toxics from power plants, which are estimated to cost industry about $10.9 billion each year.Stricter rules for power plants are expected to offer a competitive advantage to the cleaner-burning natural gas industry.

Oh, so its an end-justifies-the-means kind of thing.  Rent seeking.  But when questioned, Chesapeake officials have stated that the flood of cash to ALA is merely business as usual for the company, which donates to “a wide variety and number of health and medical-related organizations.  Well that’s very responsible of them, bravo for being so charitable.

Of course we all know better.

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And the democrats will now do…what?

While we’re all asking ourselves what now?

Well, this one caught everyone off guard.

I think that you’ll all know where I’m going at with this. Not much of a hook is required today.

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RIF Rocks!!!

Entering day 30 of the government shutdown, with no foreseeable end in sight, I’m seeing a potentially big thing (in a VERY good way) for The Republic on the horizon.

Curious to know what that is?

{Hit that red button below to learn what that is}

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So, who is up for a vacation?

The Capitol Critters just don’t get it.

Despite Speaker Nancy Pelosi herself being denied more frequent flyer miles and getting kicked off of her government ride some 30-minutes before leaving Washington (Heh heh heh, I STILL love that one!!!), the Indrid Cold-grinning idiot from Michigan’s13th Congressional District, Rep. Rep. Rashida Tlaib thinks that she can do the same without any repercussions herself.

So, how will THAT fly?

Sorry, I know. Bad pun.

{Click below find out.}

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Build the Wall Rally

From my inbox:

Women for Trump is thrilled to team up with 100% Fed Up to host a “Build the Wall” rally in Bloomfield Hills on Saturday January 26th.

The “Build the Wall” rally will be an outdoor event and it will be held rain (snow) or shine. Dress for the weather. Flags, posters and handmade signs are encouraged.

We are encouraging everyone to come out. The latest ABC poll shows strong support for the wall. Let’s show President Trump that Michigan voters support him.

“The legacy media and the Washington, D.C. politicians have it all wrong,” said Marian Sheridan, co-founder of Michigan Trump Republicans and candidate for MRP Grassroots Vice Chair. “Women support President Trump’s strong leadership to secure our southern border. Are mothers really ‘against’ reduced drugs flowing into the country or really ‘against’ reduced human trafficking? Women and their families need to come out to this rally to show support for Trump!”

The rally location will at 42611 Woodward Ave, Bloomfield Hills, MI 48304 beginning at 1 pm until 3 pm. The event is free, but advance registration is suggested using this Facebook link.

“Also at this rally, we’ll have a “brick wall” petition to sign to show your support of enhanced border security,” said Sheridan. “This petition will be signed at numerous Trump events, then sent to the White House to show the broad Michigan support.”

While this rally will be an outdoor event, a warming facility will be available with bathrooms and refreshments.


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That’s some pretty interesting math you’re using there!

With the much under-reported partial federal government “shut-down” being eclipsed by the battle over The Wall by President Trump, who is aggravating the republican swamp-dwellers by actually keeping his campaign promise, compared to recalcitrant democrats claiming that the entire concept is “immoral”, what passes for an unbiased press is hoping that you’ll pay more attention to the shinny object (aka The Wall debate) rather than what is really happening in America.

Want to know what that is?

{Click below to find out more}

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Whistling past the graveyard

There are a couple of stories making the rounds, that taken individually, might not pique everyone’s interest for very long, but taken collectively should be sounding alarm bells at the highest levels of what passes for leadership in the Michigan Republican Party.

Especially considering who was the actual cause behind it.

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Are they for real?!?

I’ve got to admit, I was more than a little underwhelmed at last night’s speech.

A quick check of what is available on the speech easily corroborates the MSM spin-machine rushing into action to provide cover for their own side.

Obviously video from C-Span nor The White House itself was readily available.

Nothing really new was actually said, and that’s the problem (more on that in a bit).

Pres. Trump reiterated his position, albeit in an un-Trump-like fashion (very measured and scripted).

Team d, who looked more like two p.o.’d parents ready to scold their teenager for coming home after curfew, were just dripping with emotion of how NOT having the American Government performing non-essential functions (which just begs the question of why we are even paying for them in the first place), can be quickly and easily remedied if only Pres. Trump would acquiesce.

Sorry, scooter! Pres. Trump already did that multiple times already via Beavis & Butt-Head (aka Lyin’ Ryan & Squish McConnell).

IMHO, Pres. Trump went about it the wrong way. He used words, when imagery would’ve been far more effective.

Below is a very small sampling of what I mean (just wait for Chuck’s comment in the clip below):

Actions from the “friendly & peaceful migrants” from just last week.

Actions from the “friendly & peaceful migrants” from just last month.

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Willard, Willard, Willard…

So, it’s a new year.

People make resolutions (which they‘ll most likely break before February 1st).

Another session of Congress prepares to ramp up in the midst of a government “shutdown”.

The democrats give President Trump more posturing and obstructionism because…well, illegal aliens (and Americans on the public dole) matter significantly more to them than the safety of the people who actually put them in office in the first place.

And then the Indrid Cold-grinning idiot from the Michigan’s 13th Congressional District lets the worst kept secret out of the bag pertaining to the democrats end game for the 116th Session of Congress.

Not to worry girlfriend, the economic wunderkind from the Bronx has got your back.

Oh, snap!

Is that the media asking more questions that she’s unable to answer?

Sorry, but you’re on your own girlfriend!

Making matters even worse (only if you are unaware of his family’s penchant for screwing things up), a “republican” completely and unnecessarily enters the fray.

{Post continues after the fold}

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Governor Snyder Dismisses Bipartisanship

After four long years of legislative hearings, public education, and good-old-fashioned compromise, the Michigan Senate and House last week passed a series of bills to regulate internet gaming in the state.  Earning overwhelming, bipartisan supermajorities in both houses, the bills landed on Governor Rick Snyder’s desk with a clear mandate from the legislature.

What did Snyder do?  The Governor ‘dropped the ball in the endzone’, vetoed the bills at the 11th-hour, and then he was less than honest with Michiganders about his reasons for doing so.  Par for the course for someone who started with such promise but leaves the office with approval ratings in the 30’s – covered in the stench of the Flint water crisis and sexual abuse scandal at Michigan State.

According to his veto message, Governor Snyder killed regulated internet gaming because the data doesn’t exist to justify it, and he fears that internet gaming will cannibalize the state lottery and existing casinos.

The Governor knows this is nonsense.

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