A Conservative Political Party Test: Which would you cast your vote for? A Moderate Republican or a Conservative Democrat?

Continue reading below the picture 1 John F Kennedy Discrediting Liberal Values

Once again we’re being lied to. The mainstream media wants us to believe that only “moderation, cooperation and compromise” can save the GOP…and America. This is one of the greatest lies ever told.
First of all, moderation won’t save the GOP. Nothing could be further from the truth. The fact is the GOP has had a long list of moderate “saviors:”

Nevada Republican Party Drops Opposition to Gay Marriage, Abortion from Party Platform
Don’t think for one minute this isn’t coming to the Michigan Republican Party! The signs are all there for this to be changed within the MIGOP.

Past GOP moderates proved to be losers 1 All Past GOP Moderates Candidates

Current GOP moderates will follow the same fate 1 All Current GOP Moderates Candidates

In the United States, a member of the Democratic Party who holds personal political views that are conservative in comparison to those of the majority of his or her political party is known as a conservative democrat.

Although views considered typical for a conservative democrat change over time, many support gun rights, a strong military, education, free market capitalism, smaller government, and fiscally conservative policies and may be anti-abortion with a demonstrably “stronger religious orientation” than moderate and liberal Democrats. 1 John F. Kennedy on God

Like liberal Republicans, conservative Democrats are a minority wing in the party but may provide deciding votes on divisive political issues.

Although conservative Democrats are elected all over the United States, most come from Southern states and have been previously known as “Dixiecrats” or “Boll Weevils.”

These terms were not always used in a complimentary fashion by Democratic Party representatives who drew attention to conservative Democrats that did not vote with the party on key issues.

For example, the term “boll weevils” was frequently applied to conservative Democrats in the 1980s who consistently voted in favor of then Present Ronald Reagan’s increase of military spending, tax cuts and deregulation of the financial system.

http://townhall.com/columnists/wayneallynroot/2013/11/24/why-moderate-establishment-republicans-are-killing-the-gop-n1750865/page/full Limited Government Ronald Reagan

There could be an alternative to the two major Political Party gridlock. If like minded Conservative Democrats and Republicans along with the Tea Party faithful who believe in the strict adherence to the Constitution as to how our country should be governed just maybe we could prevail.

If these factions joined forces as to cast their votes for the Constitution Party with an affiliate here in Michigan  The United States Taxpayer Party a much needed viable political Party could emerge as a true representative of “We the People” that we don’t have now. For years both major Parties have been all about Party and not about the best interest of we citizens.

You Betcha! (10)Nuh Uh.(1)

  3 comments for “A Conservative Political Party Test: Which would you cast your vote for? A Moderate Republican or a Conservative Democrat?

  1. Republican Michigander
    April 25, 2014 at 4:58 pm

    There is no conservative democrat and hasn't been at least since 1994. Any democrat elected to office would vote for Nancy Pelosi or Harry Reid for leader. Automatic disqualification.

    You Betcha! (0)Nuh Uh.(1)
    • Corinthian Scales
      April 25, 2014 at 5:30 pm

      Hmmm, sorta sounds like you got an issue with the Party chair that you endorsed.

      "Representative Roy Schmidt is the latest casualty of the Democratic Party's extreme agenda of politics ahead people, and I applaud Rep. Schmidt for choosing to put his convictions and constituents first by joining the Republican Party... "

      Just sayin'

      You Betcha! (2)Nuh Uh.(0)
  2. KG One
    April 26, 2014 at 9:14 am

    Given what the republican kakistocracy is promoting on the federal and state level, the party's days are definitely numbered.

    I see The Constitution Party becoming its replacement.

    What I don't see is how to keep that same kakistocracy from migrating over and screwing things up a second time.

    You Betcha! (2)Nuh Uh.(0)

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