Daily Archives: October 27, 2020

Lawlessness In Lansing?

Jocelyn Benson continues her lawless (or ridiculously failbot) ways.

The Court of Claims today shot down another power grab by the SoS.

This is a good thing.  But not the first time.

Ignoring years of established law on subjects ranging from when votes are counted, to the secretary trying to avoid administrative procedure,  Benson is carrying on SOP.  Arguably the most corrupt official in State government today, and there is one more act from her office that needs to be called out.

Right To Life of Michigan posted this image (on the right) on FB today, a photo of a ‘sample ballot’ issued by the SoS.  It was originally thought to be a ballot, but the state department ‘assured them’ that it was ONLY a sample ballot.

The ballot in question was missing the names of Brock Swartzle, Mary Kelly, and Elizabeth Welch. So ONLY a sample ballot means that the real ballots contain ALL the names, right?  And gosh, Welch (the left’s less-than-stellar nominee) was missing too ..so all is ok?


You Betcha! (18)Nuh Uh.(0)