Well, this certainly proves to be a wee bit awkward. What’s that? Awkward for me? Oh! No, not for me. No, not at all. Awkward for who, you ask?

Well, this certainly proves to be a wee bit awkward. What’s that? Awkward for me? Oh! No, not for me. No, not at all. Awkward for who, you ask?
Dave Agema gives an explanation of the recent attacks.
Given the snowball of uninformed public opinion driven by an active ‘smear Dave’ campaign, its only reasonable that he have at least ONE public outlet beside his own in which to defend his honor and integrity. Unfortunately, Jonathan Gruber is more right than he knew; There are some folks willing to believe anything in print, especially if it has the ability to destroy good things or people. Dave Writes:
Dear Jason,
The truth is held from you. I felt compelled to deliver the truth behind the uproar.
Dave Agema RNC Committeeman
The Truth Is Not Told Once AgainOnce again I find the same people making false statements concerning a repost of an article I got from Col West’s ( former congressman) news letter as my words and opinion. I make no accusation that I agree with the statements supporting the author he posted. I do support Col West’s commentary concerning the authors article and not the content of the article itself. I respect the former congressman and fellow military officer highly and regard his opinions since he grew up in the inner city as a black man who has personal experience. I think his observations are noteworthy and he is certainly not a racist nor am I for reposting his opinions.