The people behind the most recent attacks on Dave Agema are agenda driven, progressive leaning, Fifth columnists. We are at a crossroads in America as Persecution of Faith and people of Principle is a daily part of our Lives. The radical homosexual agenda is the spear point being used to destroy good men of character who dare to take a stand, speak out, and espouse principles. The current attacks calling Dave Agema a racist are no accident, nothing is more toxic in our current culture than Racism, it is the Logical Weapon of the moment, based on the current issues and struggles facing America.
I am a lifelong republican, I proudly voted for Ronald Reagan, and have cast a straight ticket ballot my entire life until 2014. As I watch people of faith continually shunted to the side, Taken for granted, and publicly Ostracized, I can no longer NOT stand for Faith and Values FIRST! I will stand with Dave Agema, even if it costs me any and all political capital I may have. A third party is not the option I want to see, but it will be the only option left, if CHRISTian Constitutional Conservatives are thrown to the Jackals yet again. There is an awakening occurring in this once great nation.