I don’t have time to mince words today so, I’ll let the headline speak for itself.
Media Muddles Magnitude of May Tax Hike Vote
Speaking of muddlers, it’s the parasite from Monroe, who wouldn’t go away.
allah Shazam! Yes, here’s how they voted on SB 509 and SB 1149 (Take note of names alleged Taxed Enough Already folks). More background here. Furthermore, good riddance to an Engler era affirmative action toady. Downside is Meekhof replaced that with a Richardville toady.
That said, Governor Spanky presented his $54 Billion dollar budget yesterday.
Asked whether he can find $1.2 billion in the state’s $52 billion total budget (federal & state funds), @onetoughnerd simply replies: “No.”
— Chad Livengood (@ChadLivengood) January 12, 2015
Ps. with respect to the MCC article above, well, Jim Stamas is a documented a**hole.

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