A Political Star Is Born On Facebook
Need some conservative inspiration? Last May, 17-year old, Saira Blair, walked away the winner in a West Virginia Republican primary for the state legislature. If Blair wins the November election, she will become the youngest lawmaker in West Virginia history. There’s more rising stars, and for those who prowl Facebook well after the stars have risen, here is one you may have missed….
Angela Rigas was born trailer-park poor in Hastings, Michigan, 39 years ago. Her mother had serious personal issues and walked out on the family when Angela was thirteen years old. “My grandmother was the only person who loved me,” Rigas said during a July 14 interview. “When she developed Alzheimer’s, I had to watch while she forgot me.”
There were two choices she could make: become a victim or become a champion. Her story speaks to spiritual deliverance, and to turning anger into a loving toughness that put her squarely on the path to becoming a voice for those who have been denied having one.
“I have a lot of fight in me,” Rigas states. “I have always been able to stand on my own two feet, but I was angry all of the time, until I became a Mom.” In spite of my mother leaving my life, my mother chose life, she chose to have me, and as the mother of three sons, I am going to love my children, and be there as a parent.” After a hard-knocks start, which included living on welfare, food-stamps and Medicaid, Angela became a professional hairstylist. It wasn’t long before she became the manager of eight employees, took her family off of welfare, and began advising others how they could become liberated from government dependency. “You are always going to struggle,” she would tell them, “but if you work hard and realize that government brings you down instead of lifting you up, you will make it.” Mrs. Rigas is now a self-employed stylist, married to engineer, David Rigas, and proud mom to three incredible sons: Peyton, 10, Harrison, 8, and Warner who is 4.
Angela and I became Facebook friends two years ago. She has quite a large following, which I found fascinating. There is something about her that draws people into her inquisitive, enthusiastic, earthy, sassy personality. What you see, is what she is—no facades, just a smart, hardscrabble woman who is as pretty as she is tough, with a natural ability to cut through the mud of politics with very sharp scissors.
Several months ago, Angela announced on her Facebook page that she was thinking of running for office in Michigan’s 86th legislative
district. She would have to primary liberal Republican incumbent, Lisa Lyons, a realtor and daughter of the Lt. Governor that served under former Governor John Engler. Not one of Angela’s 5,000 friends inside and outside of Michigan was surprised. She has a gift for dropping bombshell two-line sentences about the state of disunion we find in America, as well as her candor with everyday aggravations.
More than anything, she expressed how fed-up she was that working-class people in her district were not being represented in the state legislature. A young fan and admirer of President Ronald Reagan, Angela believes in the Reagan axiom: government is not the solution, it is the problem. One of her campaign supporters posted this comment to Angela’s Face book page: “You are a breath of fresh air! Your patriotism, adherence to the Constitution, morals, ethics, values and honesty, would be a much welcomed addition to the Great Lake State. Keep standing up and speaking out. We believe in you and what you represent. You are the right type of change that Michigan and its populace crave. Love your work ethic, positive attitude and tenacity for improving our beautiful state…”
Her Face book campaign and personal pages are filled with photos of her happy activism, high-energy door-to-door campaigning. Photos of her sharp-shooting marksmanship draw a quick comparison to Sarah Palin; however, Rigas is uniquely Angela and quite capable of causing a political upset without the help of Fox News.
Candidate Angela Rigas exemplifies patriotic activism at its zenith. She is running BECAUSE she is working class, lives in a district of working class people whose voices have been extinguished by big-money politics and connected politicians. Voting is not enough for many people. They feel disconnected from politics because they have been, and resent having been made dependents of government that cannot create wealth, and attempts to destroy the wealth that exists.
“Common sense government” and representing those who stand for conservative values are my core beliefs, and these beliefs represent many of the disenfranchised people of my district,” Rigas says. What’s especially stunning is her stand against Michigan legislators being paid full-time salaries for part time work. “You should not be making more that what people in your district earn,” she exclaims.
Angela Rigas—go get ‘em girl! This country needs an army of Angelas…
“I used to pray for somebody to speak out to stand up and defend our liberties. Then I realized I am somebody.” This quote by Right-Wing News artist Dustin Stockman appears on Mrs. Rigas’ campaign Facebook page.