Mr. Happy from Westland, has a toothless, nanny government bill he’d like y’all hear about.
A lawmaker is planning to introduce legislation this week that would reverse Michigan’s decision to legalize louder, more powerful fireworks.
State Sen. Glenn Anderson says the 2011 law was a “monumental mistake” and he heard countless complaints after the July 4th holiday. The Westland Democrat’s bill would reinstate Michigan’s ban on commercial-grade fireworks.
In response to complaints, the Legislature last year gave local governments power to restrict the use of fireworks on the day before, during and after a national holiday. But Anderson says municipalities have struggled to do so, and police departments can’t address noise and safety problems.
Because you *think* you can legislate protecting stupid, Glenn?
Be proud of yourselves, Michigan Senate District 6.
Anderson's district is solidly UAW, which is where he got his start at Local 900. With the UAW endorsement, even Hitler could get elected there. Anderson consistently defines "doing something by doing nothing".
I remember his name mentioned by his U Ain't Working cronies when I was GSR at FoMoCo.
Anderson's bill is a no-brainer and should be embraced by both parties after the ridiculous summer we've had. The ban would require people to drive outside of the state to purchase the bombs and mortars instead of just down the street, which would reduce the number of disturbances overall. Sorry, but I don't consider tents filled with fireworks run by toothless people to be considered "economic development."
Interesting position, Mr. Reade. Am curious... what kind of "ridiculous summer" have you had? Have you spoke with your alleged "ridiculous neighbors" about their
fireworks"ridiculous behavior"? My guess is - no. Force of government is your solution. Try talking with folks in your 'hood, they are receptive to reason and common sense for the most part, where a Democrat jagoff's toothless piece of legislation will fail (see above: "police departments can’t address noise and safety problems"). Yes, they're most likely looking for more profitable DUI or Minor In Possession tickets to write for padding their job promotion resume, and paying for First Responders are Heroes™ public sector union benefits - Cha-ching!. My other guess is that you reside in a community that looks like this. You'll let us know, yes? What is really ironic is that you like local control, a lot of local control, of which, I'm good with that, however, your "ban" is stepping onto my turf - f**k you very much.Then again, the Man Cave can always use replenishing around the 4th every year. Nah, not "economic development," however, anyone f**king Lansing out of a few tax dollars here and a few dollars there in more "resident friendly" border states sure as Hell feels good.