Detroit Public Schools continues the fiscal drain on Michigan Taxpayers.
The gravity exerted by SE Michigan is nothing short of incredible.
Bailouts of Arts, Pensions, Water systems, and of course the cherry on the sundae, school debt. From today’s Cap-Con, Summarized here:
“Various bailout plans are currently under discussion in Lansing as an alternative to entering federal bankruptcy court. One plan pitched by Gov. Rick Snyder comes with a $710 million price tag.”
Don’t make any plans with that mattress money folks.
You Betcha!
(12)Nuh Uh.

Ah yeah, Slick Rick. The pan-arabist islamo-pandering dreg of shitty computers in cow-pattern boxes. Without question he's the iCarly of the Mitten state. Speaking of Mittens, the Nerd is a perfect fit for the Magic Underpants UniParty.
Schuette for ¡Jeb! along with the Wooden Shoe Mafia behind Common Core is no damn better.
I can hardly wait for January 1, 2017 when President Trump, sets Slick Rick's nasally pussy-ass down and tells him how thing are going to work around here.
Ps. about that DIA bailout, well, that one is on the billionaire RINO JINO.