Tag Archive for Prevailing Wage

Pssst! Hey Lansing?

Yes, I said Lansing, because, well, it took complete Republican control 4 years, 5 months, 5 days and $10 Million of our dollars to do absolutely nothing about our roads.

I’ll also remind readers that both the current Senate Majority Leader, and Speaker of the House, voted for and promoted Proposal 1 – Not One County Approved – by a devastating margin. That means for those elected ‘public servants’ in Lansing… with a rusty chainsaw.

Now, you boys and girls playing politician want to keep screwing around gouging us while shirking basic duties?

What’s most offensive is that voters were put in this position at all.

Road repair is a basic part of any state budget, one that the other states — 46 of them with part-time legislatures — are able to manage. There’s no excuse for underfunding our roads.

Our state budget increased $4.7 billion, nearly 10%, from fiscal years 2012 to 2015. New money was there: It just wasn’t spent on roads.

We’ll all be in Lansing if you keep it up. Sorry, former Rep. McMillin, but simply throwing more money at MDOT is not the complete solution and inspires others to consider that the path of least resistance answer.

No more tax hikes – No more excuses.

Snyder_54B_ballonKirk Steudle? Fire or prosecute… preferably both. Really, a missing bridge?

Rep. Pettalia, and Sen. Casperson, you’re both a disgrace. So is Schuette’s Public Integrity Unit.

The Nerd’s Ann Arbor SPARK clique days of maxing-out contracts are breathing its WALLY scheme death rattle. Complete Streets? Repeal that wasteful garbage. Neuter the MDOT bureaucracy. Streetscaping? NO. Michigan is underwater $7,500+ per head, and has yet another money vacuum waiting, which was aided by ineffectual state control.

Fix the goddam roads. Full stop.

Ps. we’ll see you Nerd bootlickers soon on your bullshit costly energy package

You Betcha! (24)Nuh Uh.(2)

Happy Sinkhole de Oh My’o, Snyder!

Yep. I’m convinced. Proposal 1 is going down in Epic Proportions. 70-30? 65-35? We’ll soon know.

What we already do know is that Rick Snyder pushed this poorly contrived 10-bill abomination unto us at the cost of $10 Million to us taxpayers. Not only that, then Slick Rick went on tour with his cronies who used another $9 Million against us. Let that sink in.


Let that ^ be a lesson to every governor who dares to attempt to pull this bullshit again.

You Betcha! (23)Nuh Uh.(1)

The Final Word On Proposal 15-1

ballot2Tomorrow morning the polls open for those who have yet to electorally weigh in on the largest tax increase that Michiganians have ever had the opportunity to give themselves.

We have chronicled the multiple failures of the package here in nearly 80 articles, specifically referencing the proposal itself and dozens of other articles leading up to it.  Our efforts over the last five months have demonstrated that the overall issue in Michigan’s roads situation is one of complete dysfunction. In fact we’ve shown the proposal is hardly about roads alone, though that aspect is the only legitimate premise under which the proposal is being sold.

Aside from the convoluted language and constitutionally flawed (and with predictably BAD outcomes) package, it is a cacophony of noisy promises to Michigan’s recipients of taxpayer largess.  Townships, schools, ‘the working poor’ and the road builders themselves all seem to have a dog in the fight if one was to buy into the governor’s hype.

It all comes at a cost, and it appears the taxpayers are wising up.

You Betcha! (13)Nuh Uh.(1)

So, this was what we were missing?

Just dusting off one of a few old projects that I’ve had one hell of a time trying to finish up over the past few weeks.

Composing a post on a tablet is relatively easy compared to trying to edit something on video. Even moreso when the truck is moving

Watching the local news this afternoon gave me the final push to finish things up before tomorrow.

You Betcha! (5)Nuh Uh.(0)

MRP Extreme Games: Proposal 1 Damage Control™

Or, is it? Is this just how slippery Michigan’s modern-day Republicanism works, and how easily seen through their actor’s have become?

Some well informed RightMi.com readers may have thought this poke at the Lt. Gov. was just in jest – it’s not.

Turkish_proverbIt is no secret that Rick Snyder’s political career is washed up in 2018. The further Snyder drifts his term limited “apolitical” Agenda to The Left, the more credence he lends to the Progressives in the Democratic Party. Face it, nobody buys Democrat-lite when the real thing is available for the price of a vote. It’s also no secret that I will not hesitate to take a poke at Rep. Barky when he deserves it for his hypocrisy.

So, what has Snyder’s SRY Team, and the Party’s apparatchik decided to do with young Justin’s #BFF?

Hide Brian Calley in Bogota, on a MEDC junket until the May 5th election fallout is over on the 36 hour news cycle.

Yet, corporate welfare, Rep. Barky says? Gas tax hikes and Medicaid expansion? Brian Calley cheer-led that.
It is what it is.

You Betcha! (20)Nuh Uh.(1)

The Editor’s Choice Awards

RightMi.Com editors weigh in on their favorite anti-prop 15-1 articles.

GasTaxRegistrationFreesHikeWe’ve had plenty to say about proposal 15-1.

In fact, there was so much to be said that we had to create a special category for it, and all things leading up to, and related have been edited by Kevin to reflect their importance to the issue.  While the traditional media sources play the equal opportunity game with both proponents and opponents of HR UU (proposal 15-1), it’s been our position to not do so.  We have maintained that equal opportunity is already a function of those who would lie about its ‘advantages,’ and it needs no further promotion to make it one of the most dangerous options Michiganians have ever faced at the ballot box.

As we wrap up the arguments with only 2 days left before the polls close, RightMi.com editors thought it important to offer up a few ‘MUST READS!’ As you make a special trip to the polls for an election day that you wouldn’t have if the last legislative session would have done its job we have highlighted the most compelling.  The editors have selected 5 or more articles from RightMi.com directly, and one other from anywhere else, traditional or otherwise.

Let the review begin!

You Betcha! (15)Nuh Uh.(2)

Snyder’s People Really do Struggle to Keep Their Lies Straight

Check out the latest installment from MediaNews Group who appears to have taken on a pro Prop 1 slant.

McLellan_Mac_Cen_Vote_Yes_man-behind-the-sceneWith one week until the special statewide election next Tuesday, the Safe Roads Yes ballot campaign is deploying teams of volunteers to call voters and track down unreturned absentee ballots over the proposed constitutional amendment linked to boosting road funding $1.2 billion annually [No it DOES NOT. That is disinformation, Chad.]. The campaign wouldn’t divulge who will be on the bus. [maybe an AFSCME stooge?]

“I don’t care what side you’re on, everyone agrees Michigan’s roads have gone from bad to worse, and they’ve got to get fixed,” said Roger Martin, spokesman for the Safe Roads Yes campaign.

“It is the only solution before us.”

That so, Roger? Your boss doesn’t think so.

You know, it’s become typical of these creeps who get elected to office. They always start believing the lies they spin and overload their asses.

Some of us out here do have memories, you know?STOP-167

You Betcha! (26)Nuh Uh.(0)