Rather surprising to see Ross being so shoddy with this.

Sorry, we’ve got our perpetually bowing to Obama, nasally Progressive quisling, and his obedient toad, so, forget about that, Boobus Michiganderus.
Yessirree, we’re about to get the *best* energy policy that money can buy in Lansing, and get it good and hard.
H/t Sundance
The onion peels.
You see, if John were an elected official, he could be like his brother where theft is called Mandates and raising taxes & fees generating revenue.
Prop 1 Unpopularity to Voters was Unprecedented
‘We can elect Democrats and get that result’
Go read for yourself.
All I’m going to say about Snyder’s SRY Team is, does it take a $100k contribution to sit at the table?
Now, we return you to regularly scheduled blame the other Party programming…
Yep. I’m convinced. Proposal 1 is going down in Epic Proportions. 70-30? 65-35? We’ll soon know.
What we already do know is that Rick Snyder pushed this poorly contrived 10-bill abomination unto us at the cost of $10 Million to us taxpayers. Not only that, then Slick Rick went on tour with his cronies who used another $9 Million against us. Let that sink in.
Let that ^ be a lesson to every governor who dares to attempt to pull this bullshit again.
Or, is it? Is this just how slippery Michigan’s modern-day Republicanism works, and how easily seen through their actor’s have become?
Some well informed RightMi.com readers may have thought this poke at the Lt. Gov. was just in jest – it’s not.
It is no secret that Rick Snyder’s political career is washed up in 2018. The further Snyder drifts his term limited “apolitical” Agenda to The Left, the more credence he lends to the Progressives in the Democratic Party. Face it, nobody buys Democrat-lite when the real thing is available for the price of a vote. It’s also no secret that I will not hesitate to take a poke at Rep. Barky when he deserves it for his hypocrisy.
So, what has Snyder’s SRY Team, and the Party’s apparatchik decided to do with young Justin’s #BFF?
Hide Brian Calley in Bogota, on a MEDC junket until the May 5th election fallout is over on the 36 hour news cycle.
Yet, corporate welfare, Rep. Barky says? Gas tax hikes and Medicaid expansion? Brian Calley cheer-led that.
It is what it is.
Because… That Guy.
MI voters should reject any tax increase proposal that doesn't first eliminate film subsidies and corporate welfare. I'm voting no on May 5.
— Justin Amash (@justinamash) April 23, 2015
Corporate welfare, he says? Just remember, you endorsed Lt. Turd, pal.