Tag Archive for Michigan

Representative Larry Inman Clarifies AFP comment

Larry-InmanMichigan State Representative Larry Inman has requested clarification on his reference to AFP’s Pete Lund in yesterday’s post.

We are happy to provide an outlet for clarity.  Posted without comment.

” Please disregard my remark regarding Pete Lund and Americans for Prosperity. I was misinformed by a third party comment. I have since had an opportunity to personally speak with Pete Lund and he does not support any bills or actions by the Michigan Legislature that are in any form of a tax increase both personally, and representing Americans for Prosperity . My deepest apology to Pete Lund and Americans for Prosperity for this miscommunication. I accept full responsibility for this miscommunication that was reported. Larry C Inman. “

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Cut River Honor

bridgeNormally, the gratuitous renaming of a bridge or stretch of road is to a loyal longtime bureaucrat.

Sure, there are people deserving of recognition for their work, and for most of the world, it normally happens with a decent (when earned) retirement.  However, being eternally disappointed with the self serving ‘public service employees’ who find one way or another to pat themselves or their friends on the back, it’s a bit of a relief to see someone’s ( a genuine hero) name going on an impressive structure who has actually earned it.

BREVORT — An Upper Peninsula bridge was dedicated to Petoskey native and Senior Chief Special Warfare Operator (Navy SEAL) Heath Robinson on Saturday.

Robinson was raised in Petoskey and graduated from the Petoskey High School in 1995. He was killed in action more than four years ago on Aug. 6, 2011, when his Chinook helicopter was shot down in Afghanistan.

Robinson’s memorial naming was attended by a couple hundred, including family, friends, and multiple veteran honor guards.

Below are some photos from the service on Saturday.

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Just STOP Already!

Government simply has no idea when its time to quit tampering.

sexy2In a move to further justify the existence of the MEDC, there is yet another mechanism to interfere with your life

Yes “your life,” through your community, tampering with local politics, issues and governance.  The increasingly progressive left ‘Republican’ governor Rick Snyder has once again created a new ‘tool’ for communities to manage job creation and success. Usurping the GOP theme of lifting all boats to sell big government, the die is set for more interference.

“We can collaborate with communities to help develop the tools to advance a strong economic vision and create new career opportunities for residents,” Snyder said. “This program will help economically challenged communities be better positioned for redevelopment opportunities. “

The new effort, known as Rising Tide, is sponsored by the Michigan Department of Talent and Economic Development and will provide communities with the tools they need to design and build a solid planning, zoning and economic development foundation to attract new businesses and help existing employers to grow.

“As the saying goes, a Rising Tide lifts all boats,” said Steve Arwood, TED Director and Michigan Economic Development Corporation CEO. “Through this initiative, the TED team will work closely with local leaders as they create vibrant and thriving communities across Michigan.”

And if there isn’t a ring of familiarity to this, you may not have been watching your local government create those helpful little ‘authorities’ which rob your township and municipal treasuries under the auspices of creating value.

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How It begins

Michigan school districts have more than a few tricks up their sleeves.

Or maybe how it might end?

What we see in proposed legislation by Michigan State Senator Darwin Booher is a natural extension of what happens to a legislator’s mind in Lansing.  Senate bill 481 attempts to modify the “Recreational authorities act;” 2000 PA 321, so that school districts can then create their own ‘authority,’ build facilities, and hit the taxpayers for up to a mil with yet another creative tool of extortion.

Why would school’s need such a thing you ask? Why would a school district want, or need to create a new agency that can generate new  revenue for pools, entertainment complexes, sports venues, etc?

Hilarious question, right? However, as has been pointed out before, the formula (post proposal A) has changed.  Very much.

“Underneath the perceived troubles in funding public education is an emerging reality. Because of the nature of taxpayer funding, and the struggle for local school districts to grab their ‘fair share’ of Michigan’s education budget pie, expenses that were once built into operating budgets are now separated from them, and allowed to be levied through millage requests. These building fund requests allow for purchase of new infrastructure, equipment, and maintenance.

Unfortunately, once the funding had begun in this direction, it quickly became a running operative mechanism that allowed all manner of abuse to begin. Routine maintenance became the recipient of improvement monies, and improvement requests increased to fund facilities that went beyond necessary functionality. The latest request including a component that would have built a $26.5 million performing arts facility. (including all aspects of construction) The proposal for a declining student population at a cost of was easily declined by voters.”

All of what used to be covered under simple operations cost, has been partitioned into new funding paradigms.

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Re-Writing Welfare In Michigan

Read between the lines or around the 'strikeouts.'

blight-eliminationDon’t get me wrong.  I personally like some of the players in the bureaucratic mess we know as state government.

Elsenheimer in this story for example, is a relatively right of center guy.  Yet he has to feed the family, and the overly high taxes on his estate in GT County have to be paid. It would be an extraordinary act of courage to sit as executive director of a redistribution agency and wind it out of existence.  Even declining such an appointment might actually lead to worse people occupying the position and if market forces work, perhaps even be paid more.

How we can eliminate this type of government interference and theft, and return the high wage lackeys of ‘social justice’ back to honest wealth creation is the hard part.  In the meanwhile, ‘givers’ gotta give, and making the inexcusable seem oh-so-reasonable is just part of the job.

As an example of how words matter, one might look only as far as the most recent press releases propaganda from MSHDA.

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Good for the gooses, good for the Michi-gander ..or something.

falconsWhy does the guy falcon get the normal name?

Why even bother?   A new set of pigeon eaters has apparently been hatched at a government bridge. The government people tagged em so they could keep track and all that.  New AKAs as well:

“In addition to their leg bands, the peregrine chicks received names Tuesday: the females are Jasina, Dwaynette and Q, while the lone male is named Frank.”

I’ll leave it to you all to figure out which one is the gander.

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Well THAT Was Disappointing ..

What at first appeared to be a reach out to get input for a post-SCOTUS ruling direction was just a scam.

Not at all surprising however.

Given that it was from team Benishek. I though perhaps he was noticing how folks have lost all respect for him, and as contrition, was reaching out to see what would make folks a little more confident in his future performance.  Gosh, maybe it was in response to my put up or shut up articles!

The email arrived with this heartfelt message:

” Jason,

With more than three decades in the medical field, I know how important it is for our healthcare system to empower patients and their doctors, not federal bureaucrats in Washington.

Too often, Washington politicians try to pass laws without talking to the people who have to live with the consequences. Any doctor will tell you that listening to your patients is one of the most important parts of medicine. I believe this is true in politics as well.

That’s why I want to hear from you.

Jason, please take my survey to let me know what you think of ObamaCare, and how we can build a better healthcare system.

Our current system isn’t working, and I know we can do better. With your support, we can fight for a bottom up healthcare system that empowers people not politicians.

Thank you for sharing your thoughts,

Dr. Dan”

So I clicked the link.   I diligently filled out the form answering the ready-made questions, and then I offered offered some “other thoughts” that were being solicited at the bottom.  I typed in:

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Coming to a City Near You…

If Ricky Snyderbama has his way, even sooner than you think.

So, American Laws for American Courts still a bad idea? Nope. Only to those who play the Diversity (All Hail Diversity!)™ pandering “too divisive” Progressive game.

moHAMmed-piss-be-upon-himTo wit, one thing needs to be addressed here as was noted not long ago with this gentleman’s newfound *friend*.

He points to his friendship with Detroit Democrat Harvey Santana as proof he doesn’t let ideology get in the way of personal relationships. (Ironically, Santana is on the outs with his own party, after he accepted a position as minority vice chair of the House Appropriations Committee, against the recommendation of minority leader Tim Greimel.)

There should be no issues with Rep. Courser wanting to emulate a cannonball in Lansing. Cannonballs are a good thing, however, loose cannons are not. Sometimes the enemy of thy enemy is just that – an enemy. It would be highly suggested to Rep. Courser to emulate former Rep. McMillan.

Do recall the unhinged lunatic who is now Rep. Courser’s newest buddy.

Treachery is never fashionable.

H/t Jihad Watch

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Because Michigan’s First Congressional District Is Supposed To Be Stupid

Its as-if this is the first term for the third term Dr. Dan Benishek

benishek-mailThe picture at the right came in this morning

When opening it, I sat for a moment snickering at the sheer audacity of the Benishek re-election team in sending such a message in the fifth year of his ‘service’ to Michigan’s CD1 voters.  Suggesting that Dan Benishek  would raise a finger to fight for us is a hoot.

“We must raise $5,000 this month to show Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats that we will be ready for the fight ahead in 2016”

Nancy Pelosi?

Gosh Dan, this is the second session in a row (third starting) where the congress has been held by Republicans.  Truly, it is terribly embarrassing that you have not figured out that the opponent is actually in the executive seat.  Its been over 4 years Doctor B, and you haven’t yet lived up to a single promise made in 2010 with regard to the ACA, immigration, and a litany of other issues where you actually have some say.

While Dr. Dan fights Pelosi and the other shadows in the halls of congress, the EPA is shutting down our power, regulating our puddles, and the Liar in chief is going to import ISIS into Michigan with the help of our worthless governor.

Way to be on guard Mr. “We don’t control the money”

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Michigan Is On The List

Michigan is one of several states used to relocate 'refugees' from the most dangerous and corrupted nations on the earth.

Of course you all knew that.

Michigan is one of the ‘resettlement’ states used by the UN and our state department to implant refugees from the worst areas of the world. Under the auspices of humanitarianism, we are being invaded by people who carry with them the very troubles we are told they are fleeing.

Dave Agema mentions A.L.A.C. in his presentation to Michigan conservatives last Saturday. He has seen this coming and has been working with Kamal Saleem spreading the word around Michigan in the past few years. A.L.A.C. stands for American Laws for American Courts, and simply reaffirms the constitution and state laws, while preventing the very anti American aspects of Sharia from creeping into our justice system.

I was fortunate to attend one of the presentations by Kamal Saleem a couple of years ago.

It has not gotten any better since then.

Do we become Europe in a couple of decades? (Video H/T George)

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