Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?Tweets about "#RightMi, -YoungLibertyMI, -dennislennox,"
The Insanity Of The Radical Michigan Democratic PartyBy Corinthian Scales, Section News
Before we begin, I must say that I am in complete awe with Representative McMillin's restraint.
Yessiree, Chris Christie. Pound for pound, he is the Left's greatest ally. Governor Snyder, there is only one thing left to ask...
You have taken the Oath, now will you uphold that Oath and push forward this legislation with signing it into Law? Pick a declared side, Governor Snyder, but be reminded, your Party fence jumping success that got you elected is completely different from the eyes now watching you govern. Governor Snyder, it's time to man up on vastly more important issues facing the future of our state and nation than just merely your 'making a buck' agenda. Your "Too Divisive" stance on many issues isn't selling with a lot of folks in this state anymore.
The Insanity Of The Radical Michigan Democratic Party | 2 comments (2 topical, 0 hidden)
The Insanity Of The Radical Michigan Democratic Party | 2 comments (2 topical, 0 hidden)