Good for the gooses, good for the Michi-gander ..or something.
Why does the guy falcon get the normal name?
Why even bother? A new set of pigeon eaters has apparently been hatched at a government bridge. The government people tagged em so they could keep track and all that. New AKAs as well:
“In addition to their leg bands, the peregrine chicks received names Tuesday: the females are Jasina, Dwaynette and Q, while the lone male is named Frank.”
I’ll leave it to you all to figure out which one is the gander.
You Betcha!
(17)Nuh Uh.

Oh really?
Then, four sentences later...
Oy vey... is paid at least $22.73 to $33.13 per hour, and the broad from Newberry cannot even keep her line of shit straight within the same paragraph. Yep. Sure as hell sounds a lot like Slick Rick's pet Cesspool of Detoilet project. All artificial. All a great big government theft and wasting of other people's money (thank RINO Weiser for that) on an unfixable, Progressive utopia, shithole.
Who is the gander? That's easy. Every damn taxpayer in this state who hasn't demanded the legislature to have the DNR and MDOT budgets gone through with one of these, especially, this bastard's budget.
And this is why we spend too much on roads here in Michigan.
"The bird's droppings — in addition to being unhealthy for bicyclists, pedestrians and bridge workers — coat the catwalks and bridge surfaces, leading to the aging structure's corrosion."