Some things that must be said about the election of Nov 6
The election of Nov 6 revealed much about our future, and what makes up a significant part of the voting public in our state. Michigan is now subject to the whims of estrogen,THC, envy, and puddle brained TV watchers.
Beginning Jan 1, we have a Governor who lies about her mother’s health care to get elected. Who advocates the further expansion of medicaid, but will not accept it in the family dental business. Who participates in the Vagina monologues; not from some little poetry club, but from the capitol steps in a way that makes Donald Trump’s worst days seem civil.
Beginning January 1, we have a Secretary of State who oversees our elections, but apparently couldn’t take the time to notice that workers in her office in 2010 were engaging in election fraud. should there be any surprise if they will find suitable jobs for their efforts in the new administrations?
Beginning January 1, a nutty lesbian will be the Attorney General of Michigan. While this may seem an abusive way to describe our state’s next top lawyer, it is actually objective and accurate, if only from observing the personal way in which she treated her staff and the in-your face ways she flouts her unnatural life choices.
Beginning January 1 and if of age, you can get buzzed, high, stoned, wasted, crunked, etc., ..legally. You can carry around blunts, dope, weed, reefer, Mary-jo, Burrito, bag, and more ..legally. You still cannot drive with it in your system however, so try to figure out how best to crawl to that factory job without getting behind the wheel playa.
Beginning January 1, the old gerrymandering scheme is out! The NEW Gerrymandering scheme is in! Only THIS TIME, it will be with the assistance of the Secretary of State who embraces election fraud. With the new 2020 census and fresh ‘apolitical’ eyes, what could possibly go wrong?