I just wanted to dove-tail on an earlier post made by Jason regarding SB-653 to institute a museum tax on Southeastern Michigan.
Well, not ALL of Southeastern Michigan.
Even the backers of this heaping, steaming pile of legislative waste sponsored by the entire Michigan Senate democrat caucus realized that well is running dry, so they were going to focus on the easier marks in Oakland & Wayne Counties instead.
No, I’m not kidding.
They didn’t call them easy marks directly, per se (that would’ve been too obvious), but they did spell out their plan when they went before the Michigan Senate Committee last December to push for this little shakedown.
Check it out for yourself, it’s a short video cued up to the best part. OABTW, be sure to check it out at the 5:23 mark regarding the “Time sensitivity with the bill”
So, what insulting here?
Oh, the fact that not only did four “republicans”, namely Sen. Ken Horn, Sen. Curt VanderWall, Sen. Kim LaSata, Sen. Mark Huizenga, voted to move this bill out of committee, instead of letting it die a slow death, but they voted to have it take immediate effect!
Now, why would a “republican” from Frankenmuth vote to promote a tax hike in Oakland & Wayne Counties?
Better yet, where is that same zeal shown in the video to let Taxpayers know how that money is being spent?
Or better yet, to allow communities to opt out of this grift?
Stay tuned…