Tag Archive for Dan Eichinger

Things Observed During the Chinese Communist Party Virus in Michigan

It’s been mostly disheartening to watch Gov. Gretchen Whitmer’s DNC coordinated economic destruction play out by her every ass-covering Executive Order issued with how the Michigan public and legislature has rolled over and, obeyed as if we were born as indoctrinated slaves. Is it that we all do not see what communism looks like? There are those of us on this planet that are, in the face of all odds against them with a crushing jackboot coming down that makes one disappear from existence, they have the spirit and will to stand up against tyranny.

(Full interview here) Warning: it is heartbreaking to watch.

In Michigan, 37 years ago that “peaceful” spirit and will was here.

In January of 1983, Governor James Blanchard had a problem. Michigan was in recession, losing jobs, and the legislature was facing declining tax revenues. Blanchard needed to hike taxes in order to maintain government spending, since real spending cuts seemed out of the question. He proposed, and passed through the legislature, a 38% income tax hike.

Taxpayers revolted. Recall drives were launched against Governor Blanchard and 14 state senators who supported the tax hike. Citizens launching these recalls were not taken seriously at first because no governor or state lawmaker had ever been recalled in the history of Michigan. Why?

Cold Fury™.

Today, with same pending doom soon to come crashing down upon our state budget, I see nothing but lazy rallying around a brave septuagenarian barber. God bless Karl Manke, however, where has the 1983 kind of spirit with all in Michigan gone?

You Betcha! (12)Nuh Uh.(0)

It’s All Fake News and This MSP Coverup Cannot Stand

This is the Goddamndest thing I’ve ever seen in this state. Don’t get me wrong, the Green Suit unregulated larger than Law jaggoffs are still doing their all for Gov. “Half” Whitmer, and her Democratic Governors Association agenda of Vote By Mail retardedness (Seriously, no ID to vote?) by collectively forcing America First to its economic knees via ‘non essential’ label of healthy people forced into unemployment and, Orange Man Bad syndrome.

Dare? Find me the original Detroit News publication online.

Poof! PFM! All gone, and their agenda marches on if not observed and challenged.

You Betcha! (15)Nuh Uh.(0)

Ted Nugent Proven Correct Again

As with most healthy Michiganians who will not be gravely affected by the Chinese Communist Party Virus, unlike those in fragile city hellholes Grand Rapids and SEMCOG, in our rain-soaked and shoreline eroding state, boredom is setting in so, just to get the hell out of the house, clean up the yard and burn some leaves, twigs and such while under She Guevara “Half” Whitmer‘s statewide imposed in your house or $500 money grab and/or 90 days in the slammer (while contemplating releasing real criminals), which far exceeds Federal Social Distancing guidelines and with almost no possibility of a national Stay-at-home measure being enacted, what greets you on a Granholm administration retread‘s DNR website?

You Betcha! (18)Nuh Uh.(1)