So Sayeth Justice Antonin Scalia, joined by Justices Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito.
And they are correct. Justice Roberts and the presumed swing vote Justice Kennedy are completely happy supporting their leftist counterparts in rewriting the law and acting in a defacto legislative manner. In the meantime our cowardly Republican congress plans its next budget including the money used to screw over the population in a direct violation to the constitution.
The biggest cowards of course being our own Tim Walberg, Dan Benishek, Candace Miller, Bill Huizinga, David Trott, Mike Bishop, John Moolenaar, and perpetual sandbagging liberal Fred Upton. Without their support for continuing funding of the Obama plans, all of this would be moot. Without their capitulation to the sell out speaker of the house Obamacare would have been repealed by the purse. Without their complete and total disrespect for the Constitution of the United States, Obama and the complete and total change of our Republic under his guidance would be but a memory.
As for the ‘Democrats?’ We have know for quite some time that the Marxist infiltration of THAT party is complete.