Tag Archive for Common Core

The Cronies Have Their Fingers in the Till at Every Turn

What is it with Rick Snyder, and all these no-bid contracts that surround him? If it’s not Wisconsin’s rejected trains, then it’s his cousin’s furniture contract. Now, we have another no-bid contract driven by Snyder’s Medicaid Expansion.

But a Snyder administration official said the timing “was a coincidence” as the contract increase had been in the works for more than a month before the governor’s fundraise at the Muslim Unity Center.

See that? Yet, another Snyder related “coincidence”.

Campaign finance records show the Shaya family, which owns and operates the J & B Medical Supply, has donated more than $65,000 to Snyder’s campaign over two election cycles. On June 9, the family threw a fundraiser for Snyder that cost more than $19,000 — the most expensive shindig for the governor this election cycle — and generated nearly $74,000 in campaign cash, records show.

That doesn’t look too good, does it?

LorenBennettDonors included former state Sen. Loren Bennett, contract manager for J & B Medical. Bennett and two other company officials did not return messages Monday seeking comment.

Ho, ho, ho, look at what slithered out here. Dick Posthumus’ old toady. Yes, the same Bennett who not long ago said, “Michigan’s 11th Congressional District faces an unusual situation, as its incumbent congressman failed to get enough petition signatures to qualify for the ballot — thus denying Republicans in the district a qualified nominee”. Loren is a real piece of work, yes? Thank God, Bentivolio was sent to Washington, and not that corruptocrat

So, what’s a Nerd supposed to do when caught in another no-bid series of contracts that netted him $93,000 worth of re-election freebies? Use his playbook on deflection.

“People are trying to make something out of it,” Snyder said. “Basically, they’ve had an agreement with the state going back to before when I was governor. Healthy Michigan (Medicaid expansion) has been going so well, we needed to keep things going.”

Wait a minute, I thought Snyder said he didn’t blame others. So, the Democrats “are trying to make something out of it”? Really? Well, let’s see…

You Betcha! (32)Nuh Uh.(1)

Go Away Willard

Slow news day. Was looking past candidate Terri I’m a Mom™ continuing to expose her lack of brain with the Common Core© crew an interesting WaPo snippet boasts of billionaires in the Team R Country Club wailing for another Willard loss.

Well, let’s recap from December, 2011:

1. Before Barack Obama trounced John McCain in 2008, McCain trounced Romney.

2. Romney couldn’t crack 50% when elected governor of Massachusetts in 2002.

3. By the end of his first and only term, he had a 34% approval rating and a 65% disapproval rating.

4. Survey USA ranked Mr. Romney’s popularity 48th out of the 50 governors.

5. The supposedly electable Mitt Romney walked away rather than face the voters – even though he had just signed the – supposedly – wildly popular and successful MassCare legislation with its mandate into law in April of that year.

6. During his time as governor, Massachusetts ranked 47th in job creation in the private sector.

Go away, Willard. Take your “soccer momniece and old fart brother with you.

You Betcha! (30)Nuh Uh.(2)

$200,000? That’s Chump Change!

This makes one wonder, under what rock has this sap been living?

An ArtPrize finalist has vowed to give away any prize money he might win because of his opposition to the conservative politics of the DeVos family, who fund the competition.

Steve Lambert of Beacon, N.Y., in line to possibly win the $200,000 grand prize, has vowed to give away any potential award to a gay-and-lesbian organization, the LGBT Fund of Grand Rapids, as a political statement.


Steve has not a clue, and the fool and his money soon part. Whatever. Besides, we’ve known all along who already has the unofficial “Art Prize” trophy.


You Betcha! (18)Nuh Uh.(3)

Ready for some Common Core©?

Anybody care to make a gentleman’s wager that li’l Jeb has a room reserved at the hotel Dick and Barracuda Betsy™?

And, more news on their control game: http://www.breitbart.com/Big-Government/2014/10/09/Stotsky-What-Does-That-Common-Core-Copyright-Mean

You Betcha! (38)Nuh Uh.(3)

Surprise Surprise

Dick and Betsy’s cupcake caught in his own web of lies.

Another of cupcake’s bald-faced lies? “Cut the income tax rate.

Pure bullshit.

Enjoy Snyder and Calley’s Obamacare entrenchment, Greg.

You Betcha! (16)Nuh Uh.(0)

Speaking of Brown Showers…

We have a candidate for governor, which now proudly campaigns on Obamacare.

And, who is left to pick up the tab for that when Snyder/Calley is gone? Let, U.S. Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI), explain that for you. Did you notice a Republican said the states are going to pay for it? Why Hell, even a plumber knows that sh!t runs downhill.

Enjoy paying for that along with the Snyder/Calley fuel tax and registration fee hike.

You Betcha! (24)Nuh Uh.(2)