Tag Archive for Benishek

Because Michigan’s First Congressional District Is Supposed To Be Stupid

Its as-if this is the first term for the third term Dr. Dan Benishek

benishek-mailThe picture at the right came in this morning

When opening it, I sat for a moment snickering at the sheer audacity of the Benishek re-election team in sending such a message in the fifth year of his ‘service’ to Michigan’s CD1 voters.  Suggesting that Dan Benishek  would raise a finger to fight for us is a hoot.

“We must raise $5,000 this month to show Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats that we will be ready for the fight ahead in 2016”

Nancy Pelosi?

Gosh Dan, this is the second session in a row (third starting) where the congress has been held by Republicans.  Truly, it is terribly embarrassing that you have not figured out that the opponent is actually in the executive seat.  Its been over 4 years Doctor B, and you haven’t yet lived up to a single promise made in 2010 with regard to the ACA, immigration, and a litany of other issues where you actually have some say.

While Dr. Dan fights Pelosi and the other shadows in the halls of congress, the EPA is shutting down our power, regulating our puddles, and the Liar in chief is going to import ISIS into Michigan with the help of our worthless governor.

Way to be on guard Mr. “We don’t control the money”

You Betcha! (24)Nuh Uh.(4)

Reconciliation To End Obamacare

Dear Congressmen, you have not done everything in your power yet. The End.

Lying liars.

Frankly that is the first description I have for the Republican Congress critters who have assumed their positions of power in the last few years.  Especially given that there have been several ways to stop Obamacare in its tracks; up to, and including impeachment for executive authority run amuck.

Heritage makes a point that there is STILL a way to effectively repeal the ACA, aka: Obamacare.  It is called reconciliation, and it merely requires a majority vote in the Senate.

Dan Benishek – Put Up Or STFU.  I name you specifically, because you are my congress critter. You are also arguably the most ignorant in Michigan of the power that congress wields.  Get this message across to the senate Republicans or get lost.  If you leave office and have not even tried to own up to the multiple promises you have made with regard to appeal of the ACA, then you are as much of a worthless liar and cheat as the president.

H/T Abigail

You Betcha! (13)Nuh Uh.(1)

And I Repeat

Congress' dereliction of duty is merely gasoline thrown on our nation's already burning compact.

homer-constMichigan’s congressional delegation must act before it’s too late.

Before anyone simply assumes that Obama is a clumsy leader and simply mistaken on taking this country to its low point in history, perhaps they consider that it is no accident.  At Townhall.com, Walter Williams makes this point about seeing a driver going the wrong direction:

“Would you call him a stupid and/or incompetent driver? You say, “Williams, what kind of question is that? Of course he’s one or the other!” I’d say, “Hold your horses. What are his intentions?” If the driver’s intentions are to cause highway calamity, one can hardly call his actions stupid or incompetent. Given his intentions, he is wisely acting in a manner to achieve his objectives.”

Indeed, one must have a full understanding of what the objectives are.

For more than five years now, our congress has not only allowed the president to act contrary to law, but they have funded his efforts.  In his article, Williams further points out the responsibility of congress to act under article 1 of our constitution.  Unless they act to suppress the objectives of this president, (or his incredible off the chart incompetence) through the power of the purse, we will have to fully admit the constitution is lost, and our Republic has been replaced by simple tyranny.

For that, who needs a congressman?

You Betcha! (16)Nuh Uh.(4)