Dear Congressmen, you have not done everything in your power yet. The End.
Lying liars.
Frankly that is the first description I have for the Republican Congress critters who have assumed their positions of power in the last few years. Especially given that there have been several ways to stop Obamacare in its tracks; up to, and including impeachment for executive authority run amuck.
Heritage makes a point that there is STILL a way to effectively repeal the ACA, aka: Obamacare. It is called reconciliation, and it merely requires a majority vote in the Senate.
Dan Benishek – Put Up Or STFU. I name you specifically, because you are my congress critter. You are also arguably the most ignorant in Michigan of the power that congress wields. Get this message across to the senate Republicans or get lost. If you leave office and have not even tried to own up to the multiple promises you have made with regard to appeal of the ACA, then you are as much of a worthless liar and cheat as the president.
H/T Abigail

Oh, I suppose 'ol doctor Dan could redeem himself on said point, however, now that he's a member of Upton's Progressive Country Club, I ain't gonna hold my breath, are you?