If I didn’t know any better, I’d swear that the Michigan Republican Party wants four more years of Gretchen Whitmer.
It should stand to reason that running a candidate who is antithetical to the base is not exactly a winning strategy. Especially when they try, invariably in vain, to claim that candidate is somehow Conservative.
Typically, they will employ one of the following stratagems:
• Hallelujah, they have seen the light! You can trust them now to do the right things since they now have their eye on a higher office.
• Or, just sweep their record under the rug and use industrial-strength gaslighting on anyone who dares to bring it up.
How often have we seen this?
Well, we’ve seen this play out nationally with McCain in ’08. The Republican kakistocracy wanted him badly (it was HIS turn to run, after all). The base didn’t trust him. We ended up getting stuck with Barry for eight years because Willard certainly wasn’t any better four years later.
Here in Michigan, we’ve seen this in ’18 when B.S. got tapped to run for that coveted seat in the Romney Building (again, according to the Nigh-omnipotent potentates in the Michigan GOP, it was HIS turn). The same candidate who couldn’t be bothered to show himself in front of the Grassroots before the Primary, yet always found ample time in his busy schedule for a fundraiser with deep-pocketed donors…well, we all know how that nightmare started.
Fast-forward to this week, when Trump disloyalist Liz Cheney got her backside handed to her by Wyoming Voters by about a 2-1 ratio. Throwing your lot in with the democrats and then taking part in a political star chamber…not a great plan. If your Paul Pelosi-level of investments didn’t pay off as well as they have while you were “serving” your Constituents in Wyoming, people might have a reason to feel sorry for your future.

So, where is this observation heading towards True Believers are asking themselves?
{Click below the fold to find out}
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(7)Nuh Uh.