Uh-oh, there’s that cool German word that Bush-ite money bundler Ron Weiser and his toady Yob don’t like.
Gov. Rick Snyder’s re-election campaign said Wednesday it has fired an unpaid [how is one fired from an unpaid “job”? Are folks really that stupid?] college intern after he attempted to volunteer for rival Mark Schauer’s campaign.
Taylor Grenawalt, 19, was dismissed Tuesday evening after a liberal blogger published emails the Schauer campaign received from Grenawalt asking about opportunities to help Schauer get elected, Snyder campaign spokeswoman Emily Benavides confirmed.
“This is concerning a former intern who did this of his own volition. He’s no longer a part of our campaign,” Benavides told The Detroit News.
….Benavides said Grenawalt was an unpaid part-time intern who joined the campaign in late May.
“As soon as we found out about all of this, he was dismissed. It’s nothing that the campaign condones,” Benavides said. “We did not know about it at the time. It’s definitely not in line with our campaign ideals.”
Of course it isn’t “in line”. That kind of behavior is reserved for Slick Rick’s paid professionals…
Slick ‘hic‘ Riiiiiick. More Kool-aid, kiddies?
Just remember, you can’t have any pudding if you don’t eat your meat.

Well. You could tell him not to show up anymore and refuse to endorse his college credit.
That is how unpaid interns are typically reimbursed.