Our wayward Elected Class spending saga continues via WXYZ
This pay-to-play wasteful spending has got to stop. So does this crap.
“I don’t like to look backwards. I’m a guy who looks forward and solves problems,” Pscholka said.
What a pompous, can-kicking schmuck, but, there it is as plain as day. Rick Snyder’s playbook line used to justify his actions as a big spending, everyone connected gets a kickback Republican. You folks tired of hearing it yet? Guess not. Methinks, there’s a growing consensus they all should just be thankful there is a disinterested, ill-informed, and apathetic electorate otherwise all the Oath sworn f****** would be hearing footsteps in their sleep.
In other words, this is the government that has been consented to by our vote. Pay up, suckers…
Ps. thanks for the empty words, Colbeck you fraud.

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