Donald Trump could have chosen far worse than Indiana Governor Mike Pence.
Pence represents the stated values most conservatives aspire to. Within only a few minutes of his VP acceptance speech, even the most casual onlooker will recognize the sense of humility, with passion for family and service to country.
The inclusion of Pence on the ticket should clarify that Trump has the ability to choose well for his team, and is rewarded with a pick that inspired the crowd, and reinforced the sense of competitiveness in the presidential contest.
If you know anything about Hoosiers, you know we like to suit up and compete. We play to win. That is why I joined this campaign in a heartbeat. You have nominated a man for president who never quits, who never backs down — a fighter, and a winner. Until now, he has had to do it all by himself, against all odds. But this week, with this united party, come November 8, I know we will elect Donald Trump to be the 45th President of the United States of America.
The Governor of a state which has cut taxes consistently, lowered the bureaucratic weight of state government, and put more folks to work, also has a budget surplus in his state in which Michiganians should be envious. Unlike faux conservatives, he actually subscribes to the concept of limited government.
And he “digs coal.” Michigan’s politicos should too.
A point that needs to be driven home is how the leftist Dems will do everything they can to destroy industry, and kill jobs through false environmentalism and bureaucratic growth. Coal is still the backbone of electrical generation, providing inexpensive source of energy that allows our industry to be competitive.
If anyone thinks the loss of jobs in KY or VA or other coal producing states does not affect Michigan jobs, they are not paying attention. It has a huge impact on our industry and economy.
“Now, Washington D.C. thinks it’s only a narrow range of voters who will give Donald Trump a serious look, but I can tell you firsthand, there are a lot of Americans who feel like Democratic politicians taking them for granted. It is union members who don’t want a president who promises to put a lot of coal miners and coal companies out of business. Those miners want an American energy policy, and they know that Donald Trump digs coal.”
Huge, I tell you.
This is a great choice for VP, and as a potential future presidential prospect. Trump gets both thumbs up for this.
Worth the watch folks. Enjoy.

Pence may have hitched himself to (ironically) the most conservative platform in recent history...yet his embrace of Common Core, the expansion of ObamaCare in Indiana and his 180 degree cave under corporate pressure over our religious libertis disqualifies him as any leader who can be trusted to do the right thing for our children, our health or the only thing that really matters in our lives (God).
He is but a stiff figurehead playing a role very similar to Ryan's 4 years ago and one of two lone legislative speakers in D.C. on 9.12.09 who squandered their opportunity to lead their countrymen in any meaningful manner immediately afterwards.