Slotkin Rebuttal???

LOL. Fail Bot. Elissa Slotkin will respond to President Donald J. Trump’s Joint Address to Congress tonight. Senator Slotkin stands…


The Fly

Thrown together for your amusement/entertainment. From the perspective of a fly on the wall in Lansing. You Betcha! (12)Nuh Uh.(0)


So Far So Good

I mentioned ‘Preemption’ the other day.

Apparently, last week the Michigan appeals court has upheld a lower court ruling that preemption is indeed still a thing. It cleared the air that ‘authorities’ which are a subdivision of government fall under the State’s Act 319 of 1990, but also properly noted that the lessees CAN enforce their own rules with regard to publicly owned arenas, etc.

Several years ago, the Lansing center folks booted a bunch of open carry guys from the Republican convention which was awkward, because well ..Republicans are supposed to be pro second amendment, right?  No more, unless the MI GOP SPECIFICALLY issues a no firearms rule for its conventions, right?

Good job, and well done to our brothers at Michigan Open Carry and Michigan Gun Owners Inc..

Until the next challenge.

You Betcha! (12)Nuh Uh.(0)

Lansing “Protest” scheduled for tomorrow.

Just a friendly heads up from several snitches of mine.

The Michigan People’s Campaign is planning to “lobby”(/protest?) in Lansing on Tuesday at the Capitol Building beginning at 9:00am against the changes made to the Michigan paid sick leave law that Legislature essentially “short-circuited” by passing prior to the election earlier this year.

No word on why the Michigan Legislature couldn’t do the same with Proposal 2, I can only surmise that they just like losing, but I digress.

If anyone has any business up in Lansing tomorrow, again, just a friendly reminder to watch yourselves around this crowd.

Progressives tend to get a little bit hostile when they don’t get their way.

‘Nuff said.

You Betcha! (6)Nuh Uh.(2)

So What Then?

What priorities will the new attorney general of Michigan bring to bear on the populace?

It sure as hell won’t be protecting citizens from an over reaching government. Except perhaps for those areas where ‘protecting’ means extending ‘rights’ that don’t exist outside of social norms.

All cultural ills aside, what about Michigan’s firearms protections?  What about keeping local feelings about whether or not it is appropriate to be able to defend oneself with a pistol?

Preemption in Michigan has always protected Michigan gun owners from the overtime efforts of ordinances, rules, restrictions, etc.  Theoretically, it provided protections for firearms possession by those with a CCW even in school environments up until the Michigan Supreme Court screwed the pooch.

The law still provides protections however, and the municipalities run by even the shadiest left wing whack jobs cannot even prevent firearms from being carried into council meeting environments.  That is, unless they are held in a bar or (now) a school.

But in January, priorities change.  The Democrats were able to elect the slate they have been pushing for 8-12 years, and what might have once been a state that respected law and order, will now revert to governance by emotion and fear mongering.

You Betcha! (9)Nuh Uh.(0)

A Dollar Twenty Five

A buck and a quarter a year is the estimated loss consumers ultimately bear because of the the bottle law.

Scales gets a H/T on the video – And he may agree with a repeal of the law, and I can understand a number of the reasons.  I suspect the actual cost is in fact MUCH higher because of welfare fraud, as well as compliance which requires automation, added employment, and often extra facilities.

However, in my life, I have watched a change in the road side debris that happened IMMEDIATELY following the passage of the law in the  beginning.  I was delivering the Lansing State Journal, the Free Press as a paperboy in the late 70s and spent much time biking the side roads and streets.  When the law was passed, no more were bottles tossed, and those which were found a home in the bags which once carried newsprint door to door.  This resulted in less trash overall, and the areas I was in began to simply look a little nicer.

And now, would it be too much to expand the law to plastic water bottles as they become the new ‘tossable’ we might find littering our roadways?  Or should we throw up our hands and give up trying to encourage less piggishness?

The legislature may pass this on to the governor’s desk, where he probably would not sign it.

Your thoughts?

You Betcha! (9)Nuh Uh.(0)

NPV Debate Thursday

Sadly, there are Republicans in our legislature stupid enough who need more convincing about the perils of a national popular vote.

I’ve said my piece time and again, and apparently its not enough to overcome the Hawaii bribery schemes moving our ‘conservative’ mushheads back on track.  Norm Hughes has challenged NPV Shill and fifth columnist Saul Anuzis to a debate on the merits (or lack thereof) of the NPV.  The debate will happen November 29th at the Pontiac Country club, and the doors open at 6:30PM.

Pontiac Country Club
4335 Elizabeth Lake Rd
Waterford Twp, MI 48328

Doors open 6:30PM



You Betcha! (9)Nuh Uh.(0)

Giving Thanks

Some great works pop into the mailbox from time to time.

Something I personally try to do DAILY, is give thanks to my Maker and Provider.  It costs nothing, it takes no time out of my day, and I can honestly feel the power it gives back for exercising a little humility in the presence of God’s works.

There are others who feel this way.  We are empowered by our faith, our personal culture and most importantly our gratitude for so much that we have been given.  From FEE’s What Ten Lepers in the Book of Luke Can Teach Us about Gratitude:

” In his 2008 book, Thanks! How Practicing Gratitude Can Make You Happier, Robert A. Emmons, who spent years studying gratitude, wrote that

grateful people experience higher levels of positive emotions such as joy, enthusiasm, love, happiness and optimism, and that the practice of gratitude as a discipline protects a person from the destructive impulses of envy, resentment, greed and bitterness.

One would think this would make gratitude easy for us. Who doesn’t want to be happier and more successful? Alas, gratitude, for all its merit, is not something easily embraced, evidence suggests.

The most obvious example, of course, is the presence of the “victimhood culture,” which has turned grievance into a fad. There is indeed something odd and troubling about an ideology that stokes the embers of our resentment, particularly in a time and place enjoying unprecedented wealth and opportunity.

No victimhood message here.  Only full blown gratitude.

Click on the link and read the rest, and have a Happy Thanksgiving!

You Betcha! (15)Nuh Uh.(0)

MIGOP Wins!!!

The Michigan GOP Establishment achieves its objective…

2010 was a benchmark year for conservatives…”Flip the House” was the Tea Party battle cry, and Nancy Pelosi handed the House gavel to John Boehner…The ensuing MIGOP convention saw Dave Agema elected to the RNC over establishment Saul Anuzis, and the establishment held off a serious challenge to the party leadership by defeating the conservative challengers for the State Chair by 71 votes…The “Old Guard” realized they had a significant problem, and set about to to correct it almost immediately…They infiltrated Tea party groups around the state, neutralizing conservative efforts by gaining control of county and regional Tea Party groups, and rendering them mostly harmless…They packed the State and District Committees with a many establishment types as possible, and began changing the rules, or ignoring the established rules to secure their advantage…Voice votes at conventions were used against conservatives in place of ballot votes the establishment knew they would lose…

Conservatives that managed to get elected to offices within county GOP parties became targets also…Our precinct delegates that nearly stole the State convention were also on the establishment hit lists…The CD1 Chairmanship was rigged to elect Jesse Osmer over Adrian Pelousse by a single vote, the establishment pulled out all the stops in that instance…Party and District rules were ignored, slates were printed on the pencils used to mark ballots that were illegally collected and tallied…Elected officials that owed their office to the conservative movement betrayed the very people that put them there…The list goes on, and for most of you reading this, you know these are the facts…because you were there…Even local politics became tainted with the establishment purge…After helping several candidates for the Kalkaska Commission win their seats, and turn a 5-2 Democrat advantage into a 4-3 GOP Commission, I (and others) was literally blackballed from my own County party…Funny how now and again I still get asked for help…

In 2010 we gave them the US House, we gave them Snyder and both houses in the State legislature, in 2016 we gave them the Senate and Donald Trump…In return they gave us higher taxes and a utility monopoly in Michigan, the perpetuation of ObamaCare, and now recreational pot, bureaucratic redistricting, and no fault absentee voting…Soon to come are the National Popular Vote, and the destruction of the Constitution via a Convention of States…The more Republicans we elect, the more they act like Democrats…The result was predictable, and secured November 6th…With the conservative purge nearly complete, they gave us ballot proposals that only served to attract Democrat votes, and a candidate for Governor guaranteed to lose, not to mention giving the US House BACK to Nancy Pelosi…

Yes, the establishment won…Funny, I don’t see anyone celebrating…

God help us in 2020…

You Betcha! (10)Nuh Uh.(0)

See, We Told You So.

Scales just commented this grand disaster.

From the people who watch such things, we just wanted to remind you that the fix you thought was there? Wasn’t.  As reported in the Detroit News Detroit schools need mo money:

“Without state support to address its growing capital needs, Detroit’s public school system poses a potential threat to Detroit’s economic revitalization, Moody’s Investors Service said Tuesday.

The rating agency said for fiscal 2019, the Detroit Public Schools Community District has budgeted $9 million in capital expenses, out of a budget of roughly $760 million. Detroit’s school buildings have $500 million in capital needs and deferred maintenance.”

Disappointing, yet not altogether surprising.

Before giving anymore, perhaps Michigan’s investors actually look at who gets da money?

Anyhow, it never should have happened to begin with.

I have solutions for any of these school issues.  If anyone in the game really wants to fix it once and for all, feel free to reach out.  It would take a little courage, but the repair would last forever.

[call me]
You Betcha! (14)Nuh Uh.(0)

Well, that didn’t take long to go back to their old ways.

When Gov. Snyder and Michigan Republicans bailed out the Detroit Public School System and City of Detroit a few years earlier, many posters on this site (myself included), warned everyone that it wouldn’t take long for inept & corrupt former political structure to reassert itself when the time presented itself.

Well, guess what?

{More information after the fold}

You Betcha! (6)Nuh Uh.(0)