Wasn’t that YOUR job???

Senate Majority Leader Shirkey is taking to the interwebs, and here on social media, this week in order to engender support to re-open Michigan for business.

Say, didn’t they hold a session in the Michigan Senate just last Tuesday to take action on this very topic?

Can anyone tell me how that went?

Now he wants us to call Gov. Witless’ office to complain?

Did your smoke-filled backroom deal with her people not go according to plan Sen. Shirkey?

Me??? Showing actual leadership.

You Betcha! (10)Nuh Uh.(1)

The Way It Should Have Been Done

Gretchen Whitmer has clearly been waiting for the opportunity to flex her Grrrl power.

Kurt Schlichter appropriately addresses the rise of these ‘Karens‘ recently.  His today piece hits a home run as usual (the guy bats about .880, and all of them bring in runs)  He writes:

“These mewling Mussolinis need to be slapped back, verbally if not physically, but as long as we are under this lockdown, they will not stop. They live for this, the chance to dictate to and control us, and the problem is some of them have positions of power.


This is not to say that the Chinese coronavirus pandemic is fake or unserious, nor that we should ignore it and pretend that it’s just another flu. It is to say that there is more going on now than a respiratory ailment. There’s an economic ailment that most of us are painfully aware of, and there is a freedom ailment, where the Karens in everyday life and in the corridors or power are taking advantage of this crisis to let their fascist flag fly.

When you have some petty official commanding Christians not to gather together in worship, that’s a line that they don’t get to cross. ..”

That line they don’t get to cross..

Truly you must read the rest, then read whatever the hell he writes every day he writes it from here on out.

You Betcha! (11)Nuh Uh.(0)

He Is Risen!

“As they entered the tomb, they saw a young man dressed in a white robe sitting on the right side, and they were alarmed. “Don’t be alarmed,” he said. “You are looking for Jesus the Nazarene, who was crucified. He has risen! He is not here. See the place where they laid him. But go, tell his disciples…’”

You Betcha! (12)Nuh Uh.(0)

“Well, I’m not paid by the government, so I’m entitled to actually do science.”

Jeez louise, could Governor “That woman from Michigan” Half-Whitmer dream up any more things that would prove to be even more destructive to Michiganians? All this (school closings, Stay-at-home, non-essential dictates, etc.) just because she and her fellow Democrat governors want to crash our once booming Trump Economy during an election year and, all they have to work with for now is pervy Sleepy Joe? I mean, this whole scamdemic charade is becoming so blatantly obvious that even Stevie Wonder could see what’s going on. Really, Brad Pitt? Dude, it’s the fricken flu and, you’re a big-nosed dwarf with delusions of grandeur.

I just hope President Trump uses his wisdom and strength with ignoring the two quacks Dr. Fraud-ci & Dr. Neck-scarf, and get this nation back to work so we can all get back to living normal life- ASAP!

This I do know, with what’s going one right now, there is not one other person alive that I want in the Oval Office…

You Betcha! (20)Nuh Uh.(3)

Not Even Close

Is the oath of office even worth administering?

One must wonder when across the country, governors are using presumed powers of emergency to openly violate several sections of the bill of rights with only an “OMG!” from the leadership in the legislature to date. No actions to rescind her emergency powers are on the table, nor are there any ’emergency sessions’ of the legislature scheduled to rectify this mistake.

Government doesn’t exist to protect us from ourselves, though many seem to accept this fact.  It doesn’t exist to tell our business owners how to sell their products, though so many roll over and allow it to happen, and it surely doesn’t exist to tell us how we can worship or assemble.

In fact according to the constitution and the item that seemed of greatest importance to the bill of rights when crafted, was that included in the 1st amendment!  The freedom to assemble, gather, and bring our complaints through process is sacrosanct!

“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”

Could we imagine what the media/press would do, if told they could not report any more?

You Betcha! (13)Nuh Uh.(0)

If The Democratic Party Approves of It – It’s Bad for America

Say, didn’t some dude named Joseph do this?

Well, yes, he did. It is known as the Holodomor.

But I digress.

So, what else have our 3 power-crazed females who make up Michigan’s Matriarchy of Misery been up to while Michiganians cower in their NKVD enforced isolation dwellings?

You Betcha! (14)Nuh Uh.(1)

And We Are Crashing Our Economy Over This?

For those who have been paying attention, we already had a doctor that happens to be a state senator expose the HHS deception on reporting COVID-19 numbers for *rea$on$* well, another doctor confirms this true again.

You cannot say you were not warned here at RightMi.com. Interesting to see how broad the Deep State actually is, especially, when this little creep is pushing for “re-entry to society” tests. If that sounds normal to you, then you might want to ask yourself why that little creep and his billionaire friend that funds him with grant monies, are pushing along the same lines of certifying people to have access in America, although, in a way more lucrative fashion.

And, we are giving up our freedoms to this fake science medical lobbyist crap? Amazing.

That said, it is the rare occasion that I happen to agree with Dr. Paul, but, I too want the damn names.

If I were betting, the two named would be Dr. Fraud-ci and, Dr. Neck-scarf. And, perhaps the end goal is to keep letting their fake figures blowup in their face then, with or, without naming them- open the economy back up early.

Time will tell….

You Betcha! (16)Nuh Uh.(1)