69 search results for "weiser"

Hey, would you look at that? We’re right back where we started from.

Betcha didn’t see this coming:

“Today, Detroit’s five state senators stood united in supporting a major road funding package. This bill will allow us to speed up repair of Detroit’s roads and make major improvements to the bus service for our 100,000 passengers daily. With their support HB 5477 passed the Senate by a 23-14 vote. Be sure to thank Senators Virgil Smith, Coleman Young, Jr., Burt Johnson, Morris Hood III, and Tupac Hunter for their leadership and encourage your representatives in the State House to support this important legislation.”

Did anyone catch anything earlier about paying more at the pump to support mass transit?

Me neither.

Oh, and it gets better.

{Story continues below the fold}

You Betcha! (10)Nuh Uh.(0)

Red Ink and Bottom Lines

Are state taxpayers able to assign a dollar value on the Nerd’s $195,000,000 Grand “Bargain” for Ron? Sure we can – nerdy CPA’s haven’t cornered the market on owning “dashboards” yet – $17,330.25 per vote.

Add to this, taxpayers bankrolling the gifted $260,000,000 to the Ilitch family bringing the total to $455,000,000 funneled into Detroit, on just those two items alone, then it becomes – $40,437.26 per vote.

Source, or click on image to enlarge.

So, what does Thomas Adams, director of operations for the Rick Snyder campaign in Detroit, have to say? “I’m a Democrat.”

Says it all.

Congratulations, Boobus Michiganderus.

You Betcha! (43)Nuh Uh.(1)

Governor Snyder’s “Gay Advocate” Puppeteer Wants Your Help

A Snyder Cronyism

URGENT HELP NEEDED: An internal poll of the Michigan Femdom Fund has shown that Governor Snyder is up 100% to 0% over his challenger Mark Schauer. This “internal” poll must have only included “pegging” their staff members for these results? A Femdom Fund Logo

But this November the stakes are too high and we need your help. Please consider making a donation today of $20, $35, $50 or whatever you can generously afford to help us assure that Gov. Snyder is re-elected as to advance the Common Core, Gay Marriage and other progressive issues that Gov. Snyder will support.

For those low information voters and party loyalist I have compiled a list of bullet points, headlines and search phrases as to make it harder for those types to justify to themselves how they cast their votes!

You Betcha! (17)Nuh Uh.(1)

Pay up Suckers

Never underestimate the local ‘Team R’ actors who will roll with RINO Ron’s DIA Bailout.

gingell_mike_smIn the letter, which Gingell read to The News, Gargaro said he wants to work on connecting the three art authorities — which are contracted with the DIA and collect tax money on behalf of the county — with compensation decisions by meeting with them three or four times a year.

“So the county art authorities have opportunity for input, so that’s a good measure,” Gingell said. “They would review the DIA audited financial statements and discuss it in an open forum with the art authorities. It’s definitely more outreach, more transparency, more practical steps to address compensation.”

Reached by The News Wednesday afternoon, Gargaro declined to discuss the specifics of the letter or what it was offering. “I haven’t had a chance to speak with the commissioners about it yet,” Gargaro said.

In other words, Eugene Gargaro hasn’t read the official script yet.

Gargaro is expected to meet with commissioners during their caucus Thursday morning, Gingell said. That will take place just before the start of the regular board meeting, at which commissioner Dave Woodward, D-Royal Oak, had planned to offer a resolution to dissolve the Oakland County Art Authority, which sends $11 million a year to the DIA.

Gingell said once all 21 members of the board read the letter and speak with Gargaro, “my personal opinion is things will move on” and the issue of dissolving the art authority will be over.


Yep. Easy peasy. Just another case of watching the layers of bureaucrats and their insider onion peel.

You Betcha! (14)Nuh Uh.(0)

Does anyone really think that the children are ready to be handed the keys?

If anyone can believe it, this has been kind of an important week for Detroit.

Most of us didn’t expect it would come to this point.

Seeing as how they pretty much broke the all rules to get here explains a lot on how that was really accomplished.

But nonetheless, a ceremonial milestone (albeit unofficial one) was passed.

Now for the all important question; Are the children ready to act responsibly and lead?

{More after the fold}

You Betcha! (7)Nuh Uh.(1)

Sacking Tea

Is the handwriting on the wall for the tea party movement in Michigan?

The saying “the handwriting is on the wall” has as its source an incident in 539 BC, recorded for posterity in Daniel 5, in which King Belshazzar of Babylon is plainly told that he has been weighed in the divine balance and found wanting, that the days of both his kingdom and his life have been numbered and brought to an end, and that his empire will be divided between the Medes and Persians then advancing on the city. The concept survives in modern English idiomology to imply that circumstances are such for a person or organization that it is now clear that their ultimate failure is to be expected, or at best will be effectively impossible to avert.

Given the thorough pasting that the constitutionalist insurgency endured in Michigan last month, as a statewide aggregate, it wasn’t exactly a leap for reporters and pundits (likely working from a coordinated set of talking points courtesy of the Michigan Republican Party old guard) to insert dramatic prophecies of impending doom for the tea party movement into their headlines and opinion pieces. David’s missive and Jason’s observation notwithstanding, I don’t think it unreasonable to ask the question: Given the significant events of last August, let alone the past 5-1/2 years, is the tea party movement on the verge of becoming just another footnote in Michigan political history?

You Betcha! (16)Nuh Uh.(1)

‘Grand Bargain’ the Movie

Starring, Rick Snyder with his ‘reinvented’ Michigan Film Office Advisory Council.

FourOdiousAssholesSnyder announced Thursday that he was renominating a second film council member whose term was expiring along with Moore’s.

The governor says Birmingham advertising executive Bill Ludwig will remain on the 14-member board, along with new member Ted Serbinski of Birmingham. Serbinski works with Detroit Venture Partners and is an ex-director of technology for A&E Television.

Detroit Venture Partners? Well, isn’t that special. The sad part is that Boobus Michiganderus will fixate on ousting hypocrite Michael Moore, while putting the on blinders to Slick Rick creating his brand of crony capitalism propaganda bureaucracy for his non-bailout Detroit Bailout wealth redistribution scheme.

Bonus? Maybe now that young Tedly is onboard, Modus OpeRandy might get his television shows he’s wanted before his term expires, and limits save us from more damage created by the pandering schmuck.

This state is so f**ked.

You Betcha! (18)Nuh Uh.(1)

MI GOP Joins Progressive-Pride Parade

Pride Parades have become the vogue for the “Look at me, I’m a celebrity” crowd that now rules pop-culture and its romance with Reality TV.

The MI GOP Convention last weekend, staged like a mindless reality TV show, solidified the MI GOP squarely in the ranks of the Progressive-Pride Parade marching across America.

Scripted to look genuine but only if you believe that professional wrestling and reality TV are real – Much ado about Nothing – No mention of the MI GOP’s repeated violations of the Republican Party Platform – Little if any grappling with the important threats to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness that we face as citizens of Michigan.

A token gesture to the heroic campaign of Wes Nakagiri and his Constutionalist supporters may have been the last hurrah for the Tea Party/Libertarian coalition within the Progressive GOP, calls for unity notwithstanding.

You Betcha! (14)Nuh Uh.(2)


liberty_tree     The Tea Party is dead! Long Live the GOP!

OK. I took a Day off to relax, unwind and Clean my car. Ignored FB and the News.

Forget the Mantra of the last 2 weeks of “Calley the Tea Party Ally”, forget the Rhetoric of “I oppose common core, despite stumping for it statewide, and pledging to be the tie breaking vote, Forget the sudden Anti Common Core conversion. Forget the PTL Support tactic of trying to inform the Tea Party, while keeping the General Press in the dark. Calley’s win is now a supposedly True blue endorsement of the establishment Policy pograms.

The reports are that the Tea Party lost at the Convention. Pure Bobby Schostak.

It cost Snyder/Calley a rumored $2.3 MILLION dollars to Identify and PURGE Conservative delegates from the Floor. Yet Wes still managed to get 1/3rd of the vote. Despite all the ID programs, Polls, robocalls, and County convention shenanigans. Rick Snyder Photo shoot during Wes’s Nomination, trying to block Floor access to the stage for his supporters, He still pulled 35%.

You Betcha! (12)Nuh Uh.(5)