Governor Whitmer, asked about businesses defying her stay-at-home order as well as some police agencies refusing to enforce, notes that most businesses have a state license that lets them operate and says they are putting that license at risk.
Exit question: is everyone enjoying their 1 month, 19 days (13.66% of 2020) in Gretchen and Nessel’s unconstitutional, Chinese Communist Party Virus lockdown?
“On Thursday, May 14 we will be gathering again at The Capitol!
The legislators continue to play scheduling games with us, so we will be there whether they are or not, in large numbers. We will gather to raise awareness of the many hypocrisies of Governor Gretchen Whitmer, and to give a voice to the voiceless.
We The People are done with the unfair coverage by the media, claiming we are racist right-wing extremists. We The People come from diverse backgrounds and political affiliations. We know our rights, and we stand for liberty.
Stay tuned for more details and the official speakers list!”
*** Quick side note, since nothing else is working, the other side is now trying to spin this thing into a racial issue.
Another day, another “objective” reporter carrying the water for Gov. Witless and her unconstitutional actions.
I cannot speak for other parts of Michigan (yet), but with the notable exception of Charlie Langton, what passes for news reporting in Southeastern Michigan has long since morphed into a non-comical farce of itself.
Yesterday saw yet another protest against Michigan Government attempting to lockup everyone in order to “keep us safe”. To their credit, Channel 7 sent a crew out to cover it.
Did they start the report on why people were there? The effect that the governess’ illegal actions were having on their physical well-being or financial status? How a governor can claim authority that expired at the beginning of this month?
Nope, within the first few seconds we got this instead:
“Many without masks, not social distancing, holding Trump posters and homemade signs say its personal freedoms they’re fighting for.”
No word yet on when she’ll investigate the assault against three individuals with media credentials who were doing nothing more than sitting in the House Gallery. I’m absolutely certain that is high on her “To-do” list, and she just forgotten to alert the press.
Adding fuel to the dumpster fire that is Gov. Witless’ “leadership” during the Wuhan situation, we have businesses who have taken it upon themselves to not ask for permission from her to re-open…they are simply doing it themselves.
Oh no, we cannot have that!
Not to fear, LEO’s will step in and set those ne’er-do-wells straight.
Wait, what?
“Livingston County Sheriff Mike Murphy isn’t convinced Whitmer’s order is legal and said he won’t enforce the order. It doesn’t matter to Gray because he said he’d stay open even if he gets fined.”
No, no,no,no,no,no!
This won’t do!
And what does “republican” Brian Calley (now Michigan Small Business Administration President), have to say about all of this?
A news release from Whitmer’s office noted that the order would expire on May 28. Previously, Whitmer’s order was set to expire May 15.
State county prosecutors recognize the illegality and, many “elected” Sheriffs (very important difference) are not willing to walk the Road to Hell Democrat Whitmer is leading this state down.
Even soon to be recalled sweaty forehead Whitmer’s Attorney General Nessel flinched at these unlawful actions, which ended up with a father of 8 being shot dead by governor GRETCHEN ESTHER WHITMER illegal agenda. Those that see the name in all capitals understand what that means.
Walk away, LEO.
Simple as that.
Avoid what every freedom loving citizen in America dreads but, are losing everything they ever worked for, that will answer the call, God forbid- if stupid enough to “follow orders” after 8 weeks out from house arrest.
But just because you have a right, doesn’t mean you should exercise it in irresponsible ways.
Showing up at a mass protest with a pistol on your hip or a rifle slung across your shoulder is irresponsible.
It could easily be read as an attempt to intimidate. That’s particularly true when the guns are brought into the Capitol building where lawmakers are doing the state’s business.
Police monitoring the gatherings are put in the extremely difficulty position of trying to discern whether those carrying weapons are a threat to commit violence. Officers have to guess which guns are present as a symbol of protest, and which are there for ill intent.
Things can go bad in a hurry if they guess wrong.
Sorry, dummy Nolan, that’s just not how “…shall not be infringed.” works. Furthermore, if/when police are complicit in any politicians’ disregard for Rule of Law, and tyranny reigns, then Rebellion becomes Duty. “it’s truly bizarre what this man has accomplished in just four years in Lansing. A guy who brandishes guns in the Capitol, blew up a pumpkin to protest [no fault], and called the Attorney General anti-Catholic. This is the future of the Republican Party”