540 search results for "snyder"

Fridays Fabula: A Distich of Dicks

Pretty much accurate about everything, I’d say. Follow the money, which is pocket change for the Wooden Shoe Mafia Amway/Alticor/Alterra/Prince/RDV Corporation/Windquest clan.

Outside of the Johnny one note RTW whining that’s getting real old (didn’t address Public Sector), nonetheless, it is true that Rick Snyder did lie to his Democrat base that elected him.

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Has Money for a Camera Crew and Time to Play With a Shovel?

Pure Propaganda

“While it’s 30 some degrees, I can’t imagine what it’s like doing this when it’s zero. Um, but it’s a lot of work, and uh, at the end of the day, I bet I sleep really, really good.”

Aw, why that just tugs away at my little ‘ol heartstrings, does it yours? C’mon, they’re getting paid Prevailing Wage to fill holes with the most complex of tools known to all of mankind to operate – a garden shovel. The lengths these bureaucrats will go just to extort more pissed away tax dollars.

If going all Hollywood production on us with our tax dollars, Kirk, at least come up with a new schtick.

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Straw Poll Eye Opener

Its already assumed by many within the Michigan Republican party that Governor Rick Snyder will essentially cruise to a win over a scandal ridden Schauer campaign.

wes-nakagiriWe have had a different take on it; essentially arguing ANYONE could beat Schauer, so why not have a robust primary on the GOP side?  Alas, as there are few who wish to spend money fighting both the candidate, AND risk being on the outs in the GOP in the future, we are relegated to the squishy liberal incumbent.

Someone HAS taken a cue from the weakness of the establishment in the supporting organization however.  When challenger Todd Courser came within a couple dozen votes to oust sitting MiGOP chair Bobby Schostak in a prior convention, it sent a message that a shakeup is in the works.  By the time the Mackinac Republican Leadership Conference had happened, no challenger had yet appeared to depose Snyder, but a contender willing to stand before Republican Delegates in 2014 and challenge Sitting Lt Governor Brian Calley had made it clear he was in it to the end.

Wes Nakagiri announced his candidacy, and the Snyder Calley folks took him seriously.

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Nyet x2

This is why ANYONE who can unseat Snyder in the Republican Primary could cruise control into the governor’s mansion.

Presented in Specially patented RightMI.com ®BiParti-Vision. (click the start arrow of each; one right after the other)

We are doubly ‘pooched.’

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Because When They’re Right

twinkieWe’ll say so.

Mlive is telling us that Governor Rick Snyder is asking for the ban on domestic partner same sex benefits to remain in place until properly adjudicated.  They report on the activist Judge who has first tossed the ban:

The motion asks Judge David Lawson to rule in favor of the state in a lawsuit filed by five same-sex couples. The motion argues that the 2011 law banning the benefits “eliminates local government programs that are irrational and unfair” and promotes “financially sound” local agencies.

In June 2013, Lawson issued a preliminary injunction prohibiting the state from enforcing the law, Public Act 297, saying the plaintiffs in the case had a good chance of proving at trial that the law violates the equal protection guarantee of the U.S. Constitution.

“A good chance” is a pitiful reason to upend due process and legislate from the bench.

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Detroit News Report falls short on Michigan’s Road Fund Money Allocation Problem

gas-tax-hike-snyderMichigan ranks dead last in the nation when it comes to its per capita spending on its roads and bridges, according to a report citing U.S. Census Bureau data. Is it because Michiganders don’t pay a high enough gas tax, or have our legislators been re-directing our road tax dollars elsewhere?

Michigan has the 5th highest Gasoline Tax in the nation, only Democrat controlled CA, NY, HI, CT are higher! Michigan’s gas excise tax is 19 cents per gallon. Michigan also collects sales taxes and an environmental regulation tax for a whopping grand total of 39.4 cents per gallon.

Michigan legislators have been stealing, robbing and shifting “our” road fund monies for years! Now that the kitty is bone dry they have the gull to suggest “we taxpayers” pony up by accepting a gas tax and vehicle registration fee increases.

Michigan legislative Transportation and Infrastructure committee chairs Wayne Schmidt (R) House and Tom Casperson (R) Senate would serve their constituents and all Michigan motorist well by pushing legislation that would outlaw any further diversions of Gasoline Tax monies from roads, bridges and infrastructure. Unfortunately these two seem more concerned about “Horse Trading” with politically well connected real estate developers.


~ Article continues below.

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Too Much Private Property

If Schmidt has his way, Northern Michigan communities will see new challenges

DNR-trust-2One of the little deals with the DNR and its ability to purchase land, is that it is limited.

Limited to 4,650,000 acres in fact, with some exceptions, and not more than 3,910,000 acres north of a line between Mason and Arenac counties, to be exact.

This means that the amount of land that is available for private use and development will not continue to shrink indefinitely.  It means that the revenues from oil and gas lease rights are not forever used to remove land from local tax rolls. It also means that overzealous misplaced urban planner graduates from the MSU school of property theft have one less tool in their belt of American dream destruction.

in 2012 Michigan Governor Rick Snyder, signed a common sense piece of legislation (huh.. how bout that) that put a check on the runaway property acquisition of the DNR, and the way in which it distorts property values and makes desirable land unavailable for private use.  The ONLY 5 Republicans Voting against the bill at that time were Jon Bumstead, (R) Holly Hughes, (R) Peter Pettalia, (R) Bruce Rendon, (R) and Wayne Schmidt, (R).  They and their Democrat property rights thieving counterparts were sent packing, as the bad ol Republican bullies put that limit on the quite literal GROWTH of government through land purchases.

Surprise, surprise, now they are back. And they brought friends. And they seem to think Michigan has too much private property available to it.

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Crony Capitalism Keeps Rolling along as Michigan Taxpayers Take the Hit

The new Red Wings Arena has been approved to be stolen from the taxpayers and I mean “all” taxpayers of Michigan not just Detroit because first off Detroit doesn’t have any taxpayers to speak of. Remember Governor Snyder has pledged 350 Million of Michigan taxpayers money to “Bailout” Detroit and the DIA.

The construction of the arena itself would be about 60% publicly funded. No Detroit general fund dollars would be spent; the state (taxpayers) is contributing the bulk of the public investment. Through the “failed” MEDC and Governor Rick Snyder who is an advocate for the deal, which will use “bonds” from the Michigan Strategic Fund one of numerous subsidiaries of the quasi government entity the un-elected MEDC.Arena New Red Wings

A quick refresher course on the definition of “Bonds” where the taxpayers are concerned. The seller of these “Bonds”, in this case the state of Michigan (we taxpayers) are the borrowers, the buyers of these bonds are essentially the lenders. Sounds a lot like a Bank doesn’t it?

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To Not Speak Is To Speak

Where was the pro-life party two weeks ago?

“Silence in the face of evil is itself evil: God will not hold us guiltless. Not to speak is to speak. Not to act is to act.” (Dietrich Bonhoeffer)

Both pro-life and pro-murder activists observed the 41st anniversary of the Roe v. Wade decision just under two weeks ago, and most Christian churches observed Life Sunday on one of the weekends on either side of that event. Given that the sanctity and dignity of human life is its own three-paragraph line item in the 2012 Republican Platform (on page 20 and 21 of the downloadable PDF version), one would have thought that the Republican National Committee would have had something to say regarding National Sanctity of Human Life Day during their recent winter meeting in the District of Columbia, especially given that they made a point of setting aside 3-1/2 hours on Wednesday specifically for the March for Life. Given that Michigan has such a deep pro-life tradition that Governor Snyder’s veto of a pro-life bill was promptly overridden by citizen initiative, one would think that the Michigan Republican Party would have had something to say regarding the same annual event.

However, a review of both the RNC and MIGOP websites reveals that the only mention made is by RNC Deputy Communications Director Sarah Isgur Flores, and seems to be in the context of responding to the DNC’s perpetual war on women. Other than that, the silence is deafening. Which leaves us wondering, what could have been so important that it should have taken priority over speaking up to defend those among us who are most vulnerable and least capable of defending themselves?

Unborn Baby At 12 Weeks

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