540 search results for "snyder"

Snyder’s *non-bailout* Detoilet Bailout and Lansing Legislator Looter Scorecard

I have to hand it to the folks over at MCC, this is a great vote tracking device.

A bipartisan 10-bill package has been introduced in the Michigan House related to a proposed Detroit bailout. A link to the concise, objective, plain-English MichiganVotes.org descriptions of all 10 bills is here.

It’s worth noting that the grant (or bailout) bills do not require passage of the reform bills to become law. Also, nothing would prohibit a future Legislature from repealing the reform measures, although in practical terms this could get complicated given that a potential federal court bankruptcy settlement may be all wrapped together with the grant and reforms — if they are approved.


Big, big, Thank You shout out to, Mr. McHugh.

onetermnerdA reminder from the beginning of the year… when Bee-esS Talks – Money Walks.

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Campaign Commercial: Republican Hypocrisy in new “Snyder Attack Ad”

The “new attack ad” released for TV viewers attacking his opponent for a 2002 state House vote that imposed a new per-bed fee on nursing homes will only work for the die hard “sheeple” Republican voters who would cast a vote for Satan if he had an (R) after his name! A Engler Snyder

The problem is, The “Medicaid Quality Assurance Assessment Program” was backed by Republican Gov. John Engler (R) in 2002, which was supported by a majority of Republicans in the state Legislature and was later extended by Gov. Rick Snyder (R) in 2011.

The program was designed to win federal match dollars and then return them to nursing homes that participate in Michigan’s Medicaid program.

“By continuing the assessment, the state receives more in federal matching Medicaid funds than what is paid out by nursing homes,” according to a 2011 press release from Snyder’s office.

“These funds are then directed back to the nursing homes in Michigan that provide SnyderCaid services.” 

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Rick Snyder tells Michigan Taxpayers (living outside of Detroit) to go spin on it.

This story is certainly getting very little attention across Michigan.

I just cannot imagine why?

After living large from the public trough for decades, using the same pubic treasury to pay hush money in order to avoid embarrassing behavior from the public spotlight, money from the public treasury going to businesses that have bought off city council votes and getting a disproportionate share of a myriad of breaks and special carve-outs from Lansing during all that time (and I’m just starting here), Governor Snyder is going to play the crony capitalist game one more time and put Michigan Taxpayers on the hook again.


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Snyder is a no-good piece of **** on guns

The thoughts of Michigan Open Carry, Inc's president on Rick Snyder.

I know I’m preaching here to many that already know this. I’ve said it before, but I feel the need to say it again. Rick Snyder is a no good piece of “s” when it comes to gun owners. It’s my humble opinion that we would be much farther along in Michigan if Virg Bernero had be elected governor in 2010.

Is Virg a strong pro-gun politician? Far from it — exactly the opposite, in fact. If Virg was dictator, every gun would be banned. That being said, Virg is a Democrat. Why is that important? In 2011/2012 we had well over 2/3rds Republicans in the State Senate. The State House was just short of a 2/3rd Republican majority. Given this, it was like pulling teeth to get both houses to adopt pro-gun legislation. Why? RICK! Both the Speaker and the Senate Majority Leader have over the past 3 years done nothing but carry the water for our dear Governor. You see, you don’t get to become the Speaker of the House nor the Senate Majority leader by willfully breaking the 11th commandment: thou shalt not speak ill of a fellow Republican. Both of these guys and most of the Republicans in the legislature won’t pass something unless Rick is okay with it.

As it happens, Rick isn’t very pro-gun for a Republican. It’s rumored his roommate was shot in college and that has made a long term impression on him regarding guns.

If Virg had been elected, on the other hand, the super-majority pro-gun legislator would have sent him pro-gun legislation, just to spite him because he’s a Democrat. Of course, he would have veto’d it — but that is okay. With 2/3rds of each chamber we would have easily over-ridden his veto. Regarding the 2 or 3 missing votes (Republican wise) in the House, I could have found them on the Democrat side of the aisles in people like Richard LeBlanc in 2011/2012. I maintain if Virg had been elected, Michigan would be a constitutional carry state right now with fewer Pistol Free Zones.

Now, I’m not going to tell anyone how to vote this year…but I plan to vote for a Republican legislator and a Democrat Governor — even if said Democrat is flaming anti-gun.


These thoughts are the views of Phillip Hofmeister and do not necessarily reflect the views or positions of Michigan Open Carry, Inc.

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Governor Rick Snyder Flips Position Agrees with Clinton to “Force Internet Sales Tax”

Snyder “Favors” State Action on “Internet Taxes!” Governor Rick Snyder said Wednesday the Legislature should tackle the problem of collecting sales tax on Internet purchases instead of waiting for action by Congress as he’s previously advocated.Clinton & Gov. Snyder

Snyder’s shifting view on the issue came one day after The Detroit News first reported his newly appointed state treasurer, Kevin Clinton, came out in favor of the so-called “Main Street Fairness Act” legislation aimed at forcing all Internet retailers to collect the sales tax.

Main Street Fairness Act was introduced by a Democrat.

Snyder’s Newly Appointed State Treasurer Clinton: Force Internet retailers to collect Michigan’s sales tax

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Is “Team” Snyder tied to Kawme Kilpatrick’s Criminal Enterprise?

Governor Rick Snyder’s economic “team” was one of several contractors who pumped millions into ex-Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick’s alleged criminal enterprise. Although the government hid the companies’ identities in the indictment, public records and interviews helped put names to aliases. The list of companies includes deep-pocketed donors and powerful executives. Hmmm… maybe that’s why the governor chose to abolish the “Nerd Fund” rather than to expose his donors?

Kawme & SnyderThe companies involved are going to be needed by the FBI and the U.S. Attorney’s Office to help prosecute the case. “It’s always hard to say whether the payer of a bribe is culpable or a victim of the crime,” said Peter Henning, a law professor at Wayne State University and former federal prosecutor.

“Sometimes that’s hard to distinguish.” So far, most executives linked to the corruption probe have escaped indictment. Some witnesses were granted immunity and others are victims, U.S. Attorney Barbara McQuade said.

Among the contractors who were allegedly extorted to retain Bobby Ferguson as a subcontractor include Walbridge, a general contractor headed by John Rakolta Jr., a longtime area powerbroker who was recently named to the Michigan Economic Development Corp. (MEDC) by Snyder. Wayne County and its Building Authority has filed a law suit seeking to recover $154 million from 3 jail contractors including John Rakolta’s Walbridge.

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Finley: Snyder deaf on Obamacare

Well, here’s a wee bit of fun with Finley.

The Obama [Snyder] administration continues to deny the risk that its [the] Affordable Care Act will wreck the economy, even as it [the governor] does everything it [he] can to keep it [Medicaid expansion] from wrecking the Democratic [Republican] Party in the fall elections.

As if one would ever read Nol[e]an to-the-Right Finkley tar his Progressive Nerd buddy. So, what does the Governerd say about all this?

Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder is among several Republican governors who expanded their state’s Medicaid laws under the law.

“The whole dialogue on the Affordable Care Act is about people fighting, causing gridlock and a mess, instead of working on something important like wellness,” Snyder said, adding that he still has “a lot of issues” with the overhaul. “But it is the law, so I’m trying to work in that context.”

Jeez, it looks like Snyder just told Finley to shut the hell up. And there it is again. There is no noticeable difference between the Party’s in Michigan, other than the pathway and speed to serfdom.

As we have seen elsewhere here on RightMi, I want to make it clear that I will not be supporting this rank and file lost cause, either. Land had a chance to make a stand against the Nerd’s Obamacare entanglement, and epically failed. On top of that, I just despise a calculating, windsock of expediency, backbiter.

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