Slotkin Rebuttal???

LOL. Fail Bot. Elissa Slotkin will respond to President Donald J. Trump’s Joint Address to Congress tonight. Senator Slotkin stands…


The Fly

Thrown together for your amusement/entertainment. From the perspective of a fly on the wall in Lansing. You Betcha! (9)Nuh Uh.(1)


2020 Michigan Primary Recommendations

Every seat in the Michigan state house is up for election in 2020, and many seats are open due to term limits.  The house has been run by its more conservative wing for the past four years.  Continuing this trend will depend on conservatives winning primaries in August.  Here are my recommendations for who to support in Republican primaries.  Michigan Right to Life is abbreviated RTL.  Fundraising totals are available from Open Secrets.  Some races are hard evaluate, so additional information from readers is welcome.


3.  Tom Norton is the most conservative candidate here, but he seems unable to raise a significant amount of money.  He didn’t come close either time he ran for state representative.  Lynn Afendoulis is thoroughly establishment friendly.  Peter Meijer is a veteran and heir of the retail chain who seems to be somewhat more conservative than Afendoulis.  Joe Farrington has an eccentric platform.
5. Former state rep. Tim Kelly had a conservative record in office and is a credible candidate.
8. It will take a good candidate with good fundraising to beat incumbent democrat Elissa Slotkin.  Television anchor and Trump USCIS official Paul Junge has a decent resume and has raised by far the most money.  None of the other candidates have raised much money.  Mike Detmer is endorsed by Pat Colbeck.
10. State rep. Shane Hernandez is the clear choice here.  He was a Tea Party leader who has compiled one of the most conservative voting records in the state legislature, according to the American Conservative Union, MIRS, and RightMichigan.  He has been endorsed by conservative organizations including Gun Owners of America, Club for Growth, Americans for Prosperity, Michigan Trump Republicans, and Tea Party Express.  He has also been endorsed by many conservative legislators, including Jack Brandenberg, Leon Drolet, Pam Hornberger, and Tom Leonard, plus many more establishment-friendly colleagues.  Neither of his opponents have a conservative track record.
11. The field of candidates to take on incumbent democrat Haley Stevens is quite weak.  Nurse/lawyer Eric Esshaki and businesswoman Carmelita Greco have raised the most money.  Whitney Williams is endorsed by former state rep. Jeff Noble.  Former Congressman Kerry Bentivolio had a conservative voting record, but was ineffective in Congress and is a weak candidate.

State House:

You Betcha! (9)Nuh Uh.(1)

You Broke it, YOU Bought it: NO FEDERAL BAILOUT!

Liars gotta lie.

Michigan Lt. Gov. Garlin Gilchrist is calling out the U.S. Department of Education for its lack of involvement in helping schools across the state restart.

On CNN’s “Inside Politics” on Sunday morning, Gilchrist said the federal government needs to step up with more financial support.

“We’ve been putting out this mandate for schools to start saying we have allocated resources but $256 million … We’re going to need a lot more because our education professionals deserve to be safe when they go into schools to educate our children,” Gilchrist said.

Want to see the money spent, and the kind of quality that Gov. Whitmer’s best friends provide to America?

You Betcha! (16)Nuh Uh.(0)

Succumbing to fear porn (or how to utterly destroy Michigan’s economy in one easy step).

If you’re like me, you were probably looking forward towards traveling around our state with family & friends over the spring and summer to enjoy the amenities that it has to offer. Maintaining traditions like those are one of the things that I had enjoyed about living in our state.

That was how things used to be.

Welcome to the “new normal”.

{More on that troubling reality below}

You Betcha! (13)Nuh Uh.(0)

Limited Exceptions “During an Election Year”

If it’s not an alleged Republican Oakland County Sheriff turning Michigan into a shit show, then it’s the elected Democrat females.

Fear-mongering for Mail in Ballot vote by mail fraud because… outside in the sun or something like that.

The sweaty, greasy-forehead one above is crazy, and by design ruthless. Michigan Retailers Association has a right to be concerned because the governor and AG have killed before.


Bottom line? Democrats never change. Ever.

You Betcha! (13)Nuh Uh.(0)

False Imprisonment is a Thing Now in Michigan

I’ll beat your White ass too!


We see the police subjected to similar dysfunctional, lawless behavior, see 750.349b (3)(a).

“Restrain” means to forcibly restrict a person’s movements or to forcibly confine the person so as to interfere with that person’s liberty without that person’s consent or without lawful authority. The restraint does not have to exist for any particular length of time and may be related or incidental to the commission of other criminal acts.

So, does the average citizen in Michigan, even stand a chance surviving this crap?

You Betcha! (17)Nuh Uh.(1)

Old White Dude in Indiana Deserves Life in Jail

Remember this quote?

“The truth is more people are killed by deer in a year than have ever been proven to commit voter fraud at a given time” – Double G

Ok, meet Democrat Janet Reed (it’s not polite to assume gender).

Vanderburgh Democratic activist Reed faces felony election fraud charge

There sure are a helluva lot of ‘murderous deers’ this year being convicted, Double G, and they all just happen to be Democrats.

Mark these words, when it comes to corruption and criminality, Michigan Democrats are the worst of the worst and now there is nobody in position to truly police them, anymore.

It’s all an inside operation.

You Betcha! (10)Nuh Uh.(0)

Gretchen, we get it: You Want Mail In Ballot Fraud for Sleepy Joe

This female is about as predictable as Democrat females come.

Headline: Whitmer: Michigan will ‘dial back’ reopening if COVID-19 numbers increase

No, I’m not squandering time on loser media hack Craig Mauger’s propaganda piece because it’s just more of the same Whitmer schoolmarm act, anyway. However, when one looks at MDHHS definitions, which are ambiguous as hell, one does notice a pattern here.

Interesting, yes?

You Betcha! (14)Nuh Uh.(0)

OK, Karen

The Democrats and their propaganda media really cannot tolerate the thought of healthy people having any kind of fun.

For any of you wondering what the male version of Karen is, it’s Chad.

Yes, it’s definitely Chad.

You Betcha! (9)Nuh Uh.(0)