Slotkin Rebuttal???

LOL. Fail Bot. Elissa Slotkin will respond to President Donald J. Trump’s Joint Address to Congress tonight. Senator Slotkin stands…


The Fly

Thrown together for your amusement/entertainment. From the perspective of a fly on the wall in Lansing. You Betcha! (23)Nuh Uh.(0)


The Duplicity Of Wayne Schmidt

du·plic·i·ty [doo-plis-i-tee]
noun, plural du·plic·i·ties

deceitfulness in speech or conduct, as by speaking or acting in two different ways to different people concerning the same matter; double-dealing. Synonyms: deceit, deception, dissimulation, fraud, guile, hypocrisy, trickery. Antonyms: candidness, directness, honesty, straightforwardness.

MIFTW-logoRight To Work

Wayne Schmidt hemmed and hawed during the debate lead up in the right to work fight. As I was bringing a measure before our county commission to promote it, he was declaring it dead on arrival.  The measure simply called for Representative Schmidt and Senator Walker to support and move forward the Freedom to Work (right to work) legislation that was ultimately passed in late 2012.

Instead of embracing it or endorsing right to work, Schmidt would repeat the mantra that “its not a good time;” something that did not make any sense of course, as a full Republican majority in all areas of Michigan government is a rare occurrence.  If THAT was not a good time, what is?

You Betcha! (23)Nuh Uh.(0)

Speaking of Schadenfreude

Uh-oh, there’s that cool German word that Bush-ite money bundler Ron Weiser and his toady Yob don’t like.

Gov. Rick Snyder’s re-election campaign said Wednesday it has fired an unpaid [how is one fired from an unpaid “job”? Are folks really that stupid?] college intern after he attempted to volunteer for rival Mark Schauer’s campaign.

Taylor Grenawalt, 19, was dismissed Tuesday evening after a liberal blogger published emails the Schauer campaign received from Grenawalt asking about opportunities to help Schauer get elected, Snyder campaign spokeswoman Emily Benavides confirmed.

“This is concerning a former intern who did this of his own volition. He’s no longer a part of our campaign,” Benavides told The Detroit News.

Benavides said Grenawalt was an unpaid part-time intern who joined the campaign in late May.

“As soon as we found out about all of this, he was dismissed. It’s nothing that the campaign condones,” Benavides said. “We did not know about it at the time. It’s definitely not in line with our campaign ideals.”

Of course it isn’t “in line”. That kind of behavior is reserved for Slick Rick’s paid professionals…

Slick ‘hicRiiiiiick. More Kool-aid, kiddies?

Just remember, you can’t have any pudding if you don’t eat your meat.

You Betcha! (11)Nuh Uh.(0)

Ya, it is a Big Swamp


As Synder states on record about another one of his transparency indiscretions, “My cousin is involved in an office equipment business that has been doing business with the State for well over a decade, and the contract, the correct contract was done under the prior governor. So there was nothing involved in that”.

Not even a smidgen, Slick Rick? And who served out his Chair of the MEDC under the prior governors? Slick Rick. Who was it that selected the current Chair of the MEDC from the Progressive Utopia of Ann Arborstan? Jennifer MoleRattler …and Slick Rick.

The take away? Always follow the money, and keep a watchful eye on the man from Chicago behind the curtain now rolled into the Lansing fold, protected by Executive office privilege, and with a taxpayer funded $40,000/year raise.

In one of the July e-mails to Baird, George Snyder also thanked Baird for helping his accountant’s daughter get a job with the Michigan Department of Human Services.

Another take away? Being a Constitutional Conservative has absolutely nothing in common with the make up of either Party.

You Betcha! (29)Nuh Uh.(3)

Something Messy In Mississippi?

Apparently 58K voters more voted in the runoff?MS-Primary

Now, I am not a big fan of voting fraud conspiracies, but given that 58,628 more voters voted in the Republican runoff than in the Primary, there are two story possibilities that can be told.


  1. That the Dems did INDEED come over as invited by the RINO Cochran and the NRSC. or,
  2. There was machine tampering.

Are we to believe that 78 percent of the Democrat voters in the primary became active again in the run off? Its a hard sell. And why would McDaniel’s numbers increase so substantially as well at the same time?

You Betcha! (13)Nuh Uh.(2)

You Don’t Say…

For regular readers none of the following should come as a surprise.

Really? You don’t say. Yet, there are still some Boobus Michiganderus out there that *think* they’re really cutting a hog in the ass by turning over control of their Rights to an unelected, public sector unionized, centralized State bureaucracy.


You Betcha! (15)Nuh Uh.(4)

Hometown Paper Rallies Around Editor

perlbergIt must hurt to be kicked there.


And man parts the size of watermelons.

Golly, its as if we’ve never offered an opinion before.  I can picture the call:

“Oh my gosh, they hurt my feelings..  please help..”

Of course, what good newspaper editorial department dogs its own former leader when he wants to turn hero and run for office in the ‘other party.’

That’s pretty much all I have to say.  Now Jennifer Hensley on the other hand? She has a bit more

In my ideal world, every primary race would have at least two candidates.  There would be a spirited campaign with in-depth media scrutiny, several debates or forums, and the voters could then compare their options and vote for the candidate who best represents their positions.  Human nature being what it is, this almost never happens.  Let’s use the Michigan 42nd House race as an exemplar.”

Read the rest.

You Betcha! (7)Nuh Uh.(1)

All Hail the Utopians!

Here comes yet another bailout of .FEDGOV web of entanglement for the Cesspool of Detoilet.

It’s a basic human right: water. [snip]

*cough*bullsh!t*cough* Provide where it is written. Anywhere. What passes for journalism, anymore.

But could the United Nations soon help the Detroit Water and Sewerage Department provide the service to struggling customers?

Water department spokeswoman Curtrise Garner says it’s a possibility — but for now, the water bills must be paid.

“We do have programs that do help those that are just totally in need; can’t afford it — but we also know that there are also people who can’t afford it would can not pay and we know this because, once we shut water off, the next day they are in paying the bill in full. So we do know that that has become a habit as well,” said Garner.

And while Garner says water is “a God-given right,” [like Ghey “marriage”. See what I did there?] she says there is a cost to move water from the water resource to the customer and that the infrastructure costs money.

According to the Free Press, the average Detroit water bill is now $75 a month — much higher than the nation’s average rate of about $40.

FourOdiousAssholesDamn near double the national average. I’m sure the Public-Private DRIC Bridge will be as efficient. I’m shocked, SHOCKED I tell ya.

Disgusting. Can’t come up with $2.50 per day but, have money for going to those three casinos, attending Go Team! nonsense, and plasma HD Tee Vees are a “God-given right” like Obamaphones are too.

Just try teaching our youth that Communism is wrong these days.

You Betcha! (16)Nuh Uh.(1)

And people wonder why there isn’t any faith in the legal system any longer?

Yeah, I know that this isn’t much of a huge surprise.

But what caught my attention, and will make people scratch their heads wondering how things could get any more screwed up, happened yet again just within a week.

Twice, even.


{More after the fold}



You Betcha! (7)Nuh Uh.(0)