Slotkin Rebuttal???

LOL. Fail Bot. Elissa Slotkin will respond to President Donald J. Trump’s Joint Address to Congress tonight. Senator Slotkin stands…


The Fly

Thrown together for your amusement/entertainment. From the perspective of a fly on the wall in Lansing. You Betcha! (10)Nuh Uh.(1)


Michigan Democratic Party Sending us and our Money Back to Indiana

Mr. Happy from Westland, has a toothless, nanny government bill he’d like y’all hear about.

donkey-ass-hole-demotivational-poster-1220075234A lawmaker is planning to introduce legislation this week that would reverse Michigan’s decision to legalize louder, more powerful fireworks.

State Sen. Glenn Anderson says the 2011 law was a “monumental mistake” and he heard countless complaints after the July 4th holiday. The Westland Democrat’s bill would reinstate Michigan’s ban on commercial-grade fireworks.

In response to complaints, the Legislature last year gave local governments power to restrict the use of fireworks on the day before, during and after a national holiday. But Anderson says municipalities have struggled to do so, and police departments can’t address noise and safety problems.


Because you *think* you can legislate protecting stupid, Glenn?

Be proud of yourselves, Michigan Senate District 6.

You Betcha! (11)Nuh Uh.(2)

Who Says It Won’t Happen?

Need some conservative inspiration? Last May, 17-year old, Saira Blair, walked away the winner in a West Virginia Republican primary for the state legislature. If Blair wins the November election, she will become the youngest lawmaker in West Virginia history. There’s more rising stars, and for those who prowl Facebook well after the stars have risen, here is one you may have missed….

rigasAngela Rigas was born trailer-park poor in Hastings, Michigan, 39 years ago. Her mother had serious personal issues and walked out on the family when Angela was thirteen years old. “My grandmother was the only person who loved me,” Rigas said during a July 14 interview. “When she developed Alzheimer’s, I had to watch while she forgot me.”

There were two choices she could make: become a victim or become a champion. Her story speaks to spiritual deliverance, and to turning anger into a loving toughness that put her squarely on the path to becoming a voice for those who have been denied having one.

You Betcha! (20)Nuh Uh.(4)

This Would Make me Crap my Pants

Ellis, might want to consider sending some hush monies

“Bottom line, I strongly endorse Brian Ellis because he will be an effective conservative voice and a consistent conservative vote for solutions that will help hardworking Michigan taxpayers,” Hokestra said. “Brian Ellis will not just talk conservative, but he will vote conservative.”



The last line has been a cornerstone of the Ellis campaign, which has continuously denounced several votes the libertarian-minded Amash has taken in Congress.

Ellis has racked up several big endorsements this cycle over Amash, R-Cascade Township, including Right to Life of Michigan [Big Yawn], Grand Rapids Chamber of Commerce [who doesn’t like a Tax Hike for prevailing wage, anyway], the Michigan Farm Bureau’s political action committee [$5,000 to Debbie Stabenow? Go figure] and others.

Michigan Rep. Mike Rogers [taking a break from palling around with the Moonslime Brotherhood] snubbed Amash, too, by appearing at a $1,000-per-plate breakfast fundraiser for Ellis in June.

Nothing like having the MI-GOP’s perennial loser Pete TARPstra flapping his gums about you or, a jagoff like Mike Rogers in your corner.

You Betcha! (17)Nuh Uh.(2)

Timing Truly is Everything

Was just reading through an interesting article over at Michigan Capitol Confidential, which highlights the ongoing damaging affects that FDR’s “New Deal” has on Michigan farmers.

Agricultural Price Controls are the Pits

Michigan cherry farmers, others, affected

Ron French has a great article in Bridge Magazine looking at “the crazy economics of Michigan’s favorite pitted fruit.” The piece describes some of the federal cherry regulations that are mostly left over from the New Deal of the 1930s: For rest, CLICK HERE.

So, naturally, what nasally, lilting way of speech, crony Big Government Progressive fool is just now releasing a propaganda video on his YouTube account?

You Betcha! (5)Nuh Uh.(0)

Calley Ended The MBT, So There.

I’ll be clear, my preference for a challenge in the executive arrangement for Michigan would have been to go after the Governor directly.

However, the cost difference between a statewide gubernatorial contest versus a delegate election is significant, and Wes Nakagiri in his bid for LT Gov at convention STILL has a high hurdle to leap. Especially with MiGOP resources being used to recruit ‘establishment-GOP’ loyal delegates throughout the state; with rumored bribery in some districts raising eyebrows. Some delegates might already have made up their minds whom they will support if they are selected to go to state convention. I wonder if all the delegates are even aware of easily identified history?

I wonder too, if it even matters to them.

This weekend’s Governor’s breakfast in Traverse City had all the top players present.  The guv, lt. guv, AG, SoS, and candidate Land all there.  Brian Calley was touted by the governor as the man responsible for eliminating the MBT. 

The MBT as you know, was a stupid tax.  No Doubt about it. Snyder even said so.  Right in this video:

You Betcha! (6)Nuh Uh.(1)

M.I.C.E. Alert – July 14

UPDATE 07-14-14 – FACEBOOK is removing all references to this post.

I have heard about post removals, but have never seen how sneaky and underhanded the operators of face are firsthand.  Facebook CANNOT be trusted as an information outlet.


You Betcha! (11)Nuh Uh.(1)

Rep. Candice Miller gets it (sort of).

I’ve indicated before that try to catch up on current events as much as I can when working.

It’s not easy, but I manage as best as I can.

I get a good chunk of it from e-mail blasts from people whom I trust. Much of it is on material that the MSM wouldn’t touch with a ten-foot poll.

The latest has to do with the continuing invasion of illegal aliens along our border and the (sort of) correct response that has been lacking as of late.

{Details after the fold}

You Betcha! (6)Nuh Uh.(0)