Slotkin Rebuttal???

LOL. Fail Bot. Elissa Slotkin will respond to President Donald J. Trump’s Joint Address to Congress tonight. Senator Slotkin stands…


The Fly

Thrown together for your amusement/entertainment. From the perspective of a fly on the wall in Lansing. You Betcha! (13)Nuh Uh.(0)



Sent to me by Stacy Swimp



Contact: Rev. Levon Yuille: 734-657-1640


We the undersigned Black Christian pastors and leaders are writing to defend our Christian brother Gary Glenn and denounce the scurrilously false attacks accusing Gary of being associated with or in any way empathetic towards racist persons or ideas.

Voters in Midland have recently been confronted with false mailings and radio ads by the Great Lakes Education Project, or GLEP, a political action committee that has endorsed Republican candidate, Karl Ieuter.

Voters should know what’s really behind these attacks. GLEP is directed by Greg McNeilly, a prominent political operative who recently “married” another man. That’s the real reason they’re attacking Gary, who’s a widely respected leader in defense of traditional marriage between one man and one woman. In fact, Gary coauthored the Marriage Protection Amendment approved by Michigan voters in 2004.

You Betcha! (13)Nuh Uh.(0)

Our ‘Conservative’ Candidates

In the Republican primary, EVERYONE is a conservative.

I have done a great deal of door knocking as a candidate for the Grand Traverse County Commission.  I have held my record out as one of conservatism, but when approaching the potential voter, its natural to introduce myself as a “constitutional conservative,” or “conservative Republican.”  Usually, the latter is used (by habit), and I can read the face of the person I am talking with so as to determine whether they want to hear anymore.

One woman I spoke to said “Conservative? Everybody is a conservative nowadays!” She then described her potential of possibly not participating in the election process any longer. She explained her disappointment with the Republican candidates who make the claim, yet hardly stand for the values that are expressed in the platform, much less hold up to the promises they make while electioneering.

She was not the only one to express this perspective.

You Betcha! (10)Nuh Uh.(1)

Michigan State House Fundraising

July 25 was the deadline for campaign finance reports for Michigan legislature. Here are summaries of the total amounts raised in competitive Republican primaries and general elections for Michigan state house. Ratings are included. Based on fundraising, 52 and 110 move to safe D, and 91 moves to tossup.

1. (D) Banks 26K Thompson 55K (12K self)
19. (R) (Likely Cox) Cox 62K Crider 21K (20K self)
21. (Lean D) (R) Fausonne 58K (D) Mathis ? Mosher 63K Pagan 88K (23K self)
23. (Lean R) (R) Somerville 118K (D) Haener 5K Linko 36K Ptaszynski $100
25. (Lean D) (R) Hawatmeh 47K (D) Yanez 96K
30. (Lean R) (R) Farrington 82K (D) Bogdan waiver Karpinsky 28K

You Betcha! (6)Nuh Uh.(0)

PETAphiles pay for 10 Detoilet Deadbeats: Get Lambasted by The Left

Sometimes it is entertaining to take a look at what the Utopians define as *logic*. Say for instance something like THIS. See that? Even “free money” and “free food” from a group of loons is not enough. Now, it’s “food deserts” to blame. Never mind the abundant supply of EBT Cards in the land of redistribution plenty Detoilet (access denied in casinos and booby bars – draconian, yes?).

So, water is a human *right*. Access is provided to all, and the burden of collecting on the debt for provided access now transcends to the pursuit of Happiness. Rewarding bad behavior only begets more bad behavior. Deadbeats loafing in an abundance of taxpayer provided hammocks still bitch and whine in the Nerdpublican’s “Grand Bailout” Detoilet.

Bottom line. Progressivism is a mental disorder. Being stupid should be painful.

Yes, I already know… That’s Rayciss!

You Betcha! (23)Nuh Uh.(2)

Michigan State Senate Fundraising

The deadline for pre-primary campaign finance reports for the Michigan state legislature was July 25. The following details the amount raised in competitive primary elections, and cash on hand (COH) in competitive general elections for state senate. Ratings for the races are included. Districts 29 and 38 move to safe R based on fundraising.

2. (D) Safe Johnson
Bert Johnson: 60K
John Olumba: waiver
Georgia Lemmons: waiver

4. (D) Lean Smith
Virgil Smith: 164K
Rashida Tlaib: 230K

You Betcha! (5)Nuh Uh.(0)

Weekend Reading Assignment

logo-sphereThere is so much going on; much of which deserves a spot here but takes time to chronicle.

Current Michigan Gems?

Watchdog Wire – Did Frank Foster Lie To His Constituents? Going Negative on a challenger?  Mr Foster seems genuinely scared.  Liars Lie.

FedUpUSA – Oh, So Free Water Is Next? Crazy. Just shows how completely dumbed down the spawn of progressivism is in Detroit, and in this state, and elsewhere.

Activist Post – Michigan Dept of Agri Forces Farmer to Dump 248 Gallons of Organic Milk and Break 1200 Free Range Eggs Food.  They are throwing away FOOD. Government oversight is so beneficial is it not?

The Complete Patient – Food Dump Meant To Send A Message. Indeed it is. Another look at the story above.

Say Yes To Wes Blog – A Victory in the Supreme Court. Wes Nakagiri’s take on the Supreme court ruling and his opponent’s positions.


You Betcha! (7)Nuh Uh.(0)

I’m a Conservative, He’s a Conservative, She’s a Conservative, We’re a Conservative, Wouldn’t you like to be a Conservative, too?

Well, this day is off to a great start. Was just reading an article about Brian Ellis pulls $800,000 out of his pocket to bankroll his smear campaign in CD-3. Do I believe Brian Ellis is a slimeball? Just look at who is in his corner – slimy bastards, all of them (yes, including RTL).

BS_EllisAnyone with an IQ above room temperature should be able to figure out that a vote for Ellis is a vote against what our Founding Fathers gifted us.

Here is the part that needs to be taken seriously.

Ellis said Amash’s vote explanations don’t get him off the hook for what he’s done in Congress.

“He’s got an explanation for everything, but that doesn’t mean it’s right,” Ellis said.

Do remember what Brian Ellis just stated.

Political attacks in the race have not been a one-way street.

Amash has admonished Ellis for voicing support for Gov. Rick Snyder’s addition of more than 300,000 low-income adults to the Medicaid health insurance program. The expansion is being paid for by Obama’s Affordable Care Act.

“He supports Obamacare,” Amash said. “Medicaid expansion is a major part of Obamacare. … If you don’t support Obamacare, you shouldn’t support Medicaid expansion.”

Amen, Justin! Spot-on assessment. So, why this, and this? Your *pal* Lt. Governerd Brian Puss-cake cast the vote for Medicaid expansion. C’mon kid, yes you are a kid in my book, Justin – never do any favors for enemies.

OK, now here it comes…

Ellis said he supports repeal of the health insurance law, but understands the reasoning of Snyder and the Republican state legislators when they agreed to accept billions in federal aid for expanding the program.

“I thought it was a very tough call and I have faith in our elected leaders,” Ellis said. “They tried to do the best they could.”

And, there you go CD-3. “He’s got an explanation for everything, but that doesn’t mean it’s right”. Brian Ellis can’t even get out of his own way without being crushed by his own cognitive dissonance.

What to expect? Expect to eat Brian’s words if dumb enough to send him to Weeper Boehner’s D.C. Also, expect to keep eating Brian’s words until y’all in CD-3 can gather up the coin to outspend his nasty Democrat-lite pandering ass if actually dumb enough to send him there instead of Amash. Ellis has career incumbent written all over him, and the DC-GOP long-knives will make damn sure Ellis has a cash warchest to protect the big spending “Get your ass in line” status quo.

Ps. for those old enough to recognize the origins to the title of this post, hit the button.

You Betcha! (18)Nuh Uh.(3)

The Nerd is now Palling Around With Paulson …DRIC Bridge

You read that right. Henry Paulson, the same creep that stole $700 million to nationalize the banksters based upon his 3 page *document* that is TARP (Remember that, TEA folks?), is now the Nerd’s new best friend.

Gov. Rick Snyder and former Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson Jr. teamed up Monday to emphasize why Michigan should continue to forge closer economic ties to China, in a panel discussion hosted by the Detroit Economic Club.

China is one of the United States’ biggest trading partners, but both men emphasized that its economy will soon change from one of cheap labor, exports and government investment to one where a growing middle-class shifts to a consumption economy, leaving China with money to invest overseas. Snyder has made direct foreign investment in Michigan one of his priorities for building the state economy.

“Globalization is only going to continue,” Snyder said. “Historically, China was an exporter but they’re looking at consumption now.”

Yes, it’s a dog eat dog world out there so, Boobus Michiganderus, crony capitalists like Snyder say, “get on your MilkBone underwear.

Calling China a potential “consumption engine,” Paulson noted, “We’re going to want some of our dollars to come back and be invested here.”

Carlin_Government_EducationWell, at least this time the two scammers are not bullshitting you. Eventually, the Chicoms will be the consumers, and the cheap labor will be you, Boobus Americanus. Actually, it’s happening now where the Chicoms are attempting to set up their own colonies on U.S. soil, and why not? Aging orientals with 5 large in their pocket for U.S. citizenships have figured out a way to escape their gender selective abortion Communist government for a more appealing Socialist-lite Medicare and MEDC provided hammock ride to the Great Dirt Nap.

For that matter, who is it that said that if it weren’t for their business with the gender selective baby aborting Chicoms, “If we hadn’t reached out we’d be one-tenth of the size we are today”? If you answered The Wooden Shoe Mafia, you were correct. Thus enters, Doug DeVos. Naturally, that means those Canadians need a make-work union labor *project* that connects their Port in Halifax, so the Chicoms can import what they manufacture to America, and receive their food supplies and other natural resources like coal (do you like this article, Boobus Americanus?), which is for the most part paying the interest on our .FEDGOV borrowing.

Oh! And, lisping Prince William II, wants the hidden agenda of the DRIC bridge – new tunnels. Yes, railcars. No, those as of April 30, 2014 homely “Kinetic” boxes won’t be heading to the ChiComs. Besides, folks like Gary Peters, and the Nerd are fond of trains. That’s a fact, Jack.

Snyder is heading back to China in the fall for another trade mission. He has made a trip there every year since elected.

For some strange reason Slick Rick did not visit Jinhua City. That is a shame as the Nerd could’ve brought back snacks for his doppelgänger in D.C., Barry and Moochelle.

In a few wordsMade In China.

You Betcha! (27)Nuh Uh.(4)

What A Big Baby

After 5 months, Paul Mitchell decided he couldn’t handle the political nature and pressure of a lowly St. Clair City Council seat.

Whoo wheee!

Paul Mitchell in may of 2008, was fed up with council members who wouldn’t support his road millage (this while the banks were just starting to show cracks at the seams from declining property values) and talked behind his back.  Those meanies made him send a letter of resignation to then Mayor Bill Cedar, to inform him he was taking his marbles and going home.  He wrote regarding a millage discussion on the council:

“I believe resignation is the best course of action for me in light of my experiences in almost 5 months on council. ..”

“… several council members would support (some reluctantly) a community survey and strategic planning at an open meeting, but then have separate private conversations ..”

FIVE WHOLE MONTHS – He resigned because they talked about him and his millage planning (tax increase) behind his back. (read the rest, and in its entirety)

BuySeatReally?  Is that all it takes to scare him off?  Something that (right or not) happens in every single community every single day.  Something that would be better served by staying on and making THEIR existence more miserable.  Transparency is not served well with a side order of quitter’s soup.  Woof.

Our message to Mr Mitchell?

Toughen up puss-cake.  If you are going to buy yourself a seat in the US Congress you better damned well have the fortitude to handle the fact that most every person you speak with in DC is hiding something.



You Betcha! (14)Nuh Uh.(1)