Slotkin Rebuttal???

LOL. Fail Bot. Elissa Slotkin will respond to President Donald J. Trump’s Joint Address to Congress tonight. Senator Slotkin stands…


The Fly

Thrown together for your amusement/entertainment. From the perspective of a fly on the wall in Lansing. You Betcha! (28)Nuh Uh.(2)


Maybe A little Mis-Read?

There will be more than a few legislators regretting their turkey moves of additional regulatory rules during the ‘lame duck’ session.

But its not just the legislators. ‘Exhibit A,’ might well be a story that ‘celebrates’ the “early Christmas present” that Front Street Traverse City business received via SB 569 and SB 658 on Friday Morning. Demonstrating that the lobbying efforts of a few rent seeking business interests are not at all in line with taxpayer interests, the piece on Saturday’s TC Ticker starts with the ‘celebration’ of the “main-street fairness” law:

“It’s been years in the making, but state lawmakers have handed brick-and-mortar retailers like Bill Golden and others throughout Traverse City and Michigan a welcome Christmas present. Starting in October, more online retailers will have to add on Michigan’s sales tax to customer purchases — just like Michigan retailers have always had to do.”

Of course, folks around here (and very likely in all other places) understand that what is sold as fairness is usually anything but fair.

You Betcha! (19)Nuh Uh.(0)

Oh Noes!

Just happened across an amusing yet insightful Skubick piece where after wading through canned Snyder vague response answers, it appears that our enlightened governor is having a sad moment over those with opinions in the blogosphere.

To be sure the governor did not raise this issue, but he was not bashful about wading into the debate regarding what appears on the blogs that dot the political landscape on the Internet.

sad_snyder_keanu_reeves_meme_He reads some of them and he is concerned.

As for the number he assigned to the intellectual offerings he opines, “it’s a very low number.”

A minus number?

He would not go that low but he did offer, “Too often it’s people not acting with civility and
respect. They often are quite mean to one another.”

Well golly gee willikers, effeminate King Richard. Does it make one wonder that every time Snyder dreams up another way to grow government or, blow through yet another $1.9 BILLION on things unrelated to the original purpose of roads, why there may be a lack of civility? Seriously, how endearing is it for anyone to have a Republican in the governor’s office, who when he does not receive his way when in conflict to Party platform, his chosen course of action is to stomp his feet like a spoiled brat child who has never been taught the word ‘no’ in his life? Respect that? Nope, not me. Respect is earned, and not doled out just because one has ability of processing air.

In other news for MI-GOP chair… Sen. Colbeck has chosen to breathe new life into the Rodney Dangerfield joke. Yessirree. Congratulations, Pat, I was wrong about the soap as you’ve now removed any respect I once had for you. Oh! And, Hezbo Paul is contemplating a run, too. Swell. Just, swell.

You Betcha! (29)Nuh Uh.(1)

Brandon, Brandon, Brandon…

For me, Twitter has become entertainment in its ability to rapidly convey snark. Do not misunderstand what Twitter is – it’s a powerful promotional tool but, for the most part it remains a pebble to cast potshots. Much can be said the same about Facebook in its circles of *friends* and *likes* which can be purchased. What’s the old rule? Paper always beats rock or, in this case – pebbles. This is why blogs will always reign supreme over the two aforementioned medias in the vastness a blog has ability to cover. Well, that, and I enjoy a healthy dose of snark as much as anyone else so, those with a Revolutionary bent for a cradle-to-grave government overreach mentality… perhaps, there’s old vacancies in Cuba waiting for you, Rep. Dillon?

And, oh why lookie here…

You Betcha! (22)Nuh Uh.(1)

So much for the RTW/FTW Law, huh?

Pusillanimous, who apparently has now decided to punt to voters too, has its followers, and its name is… Prevailing Wage.

Other great moments of courage in Michigan Chamber of Commerce history?

You Betcha! (22)Nuh Uh.(0)

Neither Spine nor Acumen ye Have

What is there to review, Mr. I was allegedly against it before I was beholden*? It is a Constitutionally amended spending bill clandestinely crafted by, Rick Snyder and Democrats toeing the MEA line, which if approved, will raise our sales tax 16.7%. The end.

If this were anything about fixing roads, then the House approved that before the advent of Rick Snyder’s One Penny Jenny Plan.


You Betcha! (28)Nuh Uh.(0)

We’re Sure You’ll Wear Yourselves Out

Do study at least 16.7% of your days.

Enjoy any comp seats in the Bahamas, Rich.

You Betcha! (16)Nuh Uh.(0)

Why wait?

When I got back in range of Michigan radio stations this morning and caught the diabetes-inducing, sugar-coating that Gov. Snyder and the proponents of this road funding sham were trying to spoon-feed Michigan Taxpayers, several things came to mind.

Take a sip…you’ll enjoy it!!!


You Betcha! (13)Nuh Uh.(0)