Chalk up another big loss for Michigan citizens, and…
I Guess Tipping Is Over?
I have always been 20 plus percent on the tips anyhow, so one way or another if all else remained…
READ MORE ►“It’s time to get our troops home to their families.”
What does that statement tell you?
This election fraud is so f***ing bad that every mainstream Metro Detroit media (Chad Livengood, WXYZ, FOX 2 Detroit) that is one county, of the 6 states in question swings: the same – leaving all the bullshit “DeVos” side of the state out of it. Yes, that bad.
Came across a John Gizzi article that our grassroots Republicans might want to reflect upon as our Main Street America First movement has just begun.
Just like the string on a sack of potatoes, once pulled, they all come rolling out.