Just like the string on a sack of potatoes, once pulled, they all come rolling out.
Making Education Great Again.
Imagine if the resources spent on the Federal Department of Education was instead sent to the states? Michigan has more…
READ MORE ►Just like the string on a sack of potatoes, once pulled, they all come rolling out.
“If you like your fake elections, you can keep your fake elections.” – The Democratic Party
With every passing day the legitimacy of Federal, State, and local government fades away.
If you want your fake elections, you can keep your fake elections.
New CDC guidelines set a high bar for Michigan schools to resume in person
They can’t allow anything to interfere with the Democrats’ slush fund.
Or, are your eyes lying to you?
Otherwise this wouldn’t be happening, right?
Can’t have it both ways. #BuyersRemorse
Because paid affiliate ringleader Rick Snyder, et al., aren’t going to be expelled from the GOP anytime soon, an excellent thread from The Bugle.