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The RightMi.Com Year In Review

A few items of note from each month in the year 2014.

RightMi.com was the back up site for RightMichigan.com in the event something happened to the WWII servers hosting the original site.


We started off in January fighting for a good man and ultimately getting booted for saying enough is enough from those who profess to be conservative, but cannot be counted on when it matters.  We argued that some GOP leaders have their priorities off, and when Betsy DeVos attacked one of the most stalwart and responsible Republicans in the state, we said not-no-fast.

Setting The Wrong Table

Of course that resulted in the move from the old site to the new.   Much of January was spent reminding people of the values Republicans are supposed to hold and why attacking our most conservative committeeman was maybe not such a good idea.  RighMi.com as a destination became a reality.  Unapologetic, informed, and collaborative; Michigan’s conservative blogging has a home just like Do Six Figures

OH, and as for the subject of the misplaced attacks?

He is just fine and dandy

February found Michigan legislators beginning the debate for a minimum wage increase, bailing out the big D, and local governments pandering to a dangerous lifestyle..

You Betcha! (14)Nuh Uh.(0)

Crush The Little Guy.

Kowall and Verheulen play along with monster rent seeking bills.

Bills 4202 and 4303 are designed to do just that.

Every layer of regulation has a time cost.  Never mind that (PER THE LAW) our business already collects sales tax from those who buy retail in Michigan. The big box stores want us to go through enhanced reporting requirements and spend additional time in the entire process of collecting tax as a service to the state.  This form of rent seek is commonly used to suppress competition.

Kowall and Verheulen or anyone who votes for this are the enemy of the ‘small e-tailer.’



You Betcha! (21)Nuh Uh.(3)

Maybe Michigan’s Business Leaders are Just Stupid

You know, it’s been rather entertaining this morning sitting here with a warm cup of joe, flipping through news articles rehashing all the fallout from a disastrous scheme by on his way to the private sector, Rep. Frank Foster’s infatuation with special protections for perverts. Make no mistake – it was epic failure.

GenderBendersBut the ACLU of Michigan, Equality Michigan and others wouldn’t even consider legislation that didn’t specifically name transgender individuals, along with gays and lesbians. They convinced Democrats it was an unacceptable bill and blocked their votes.

So rather than be satisfied with a historic expansion of Elliott-Larsen, the groups decided since they weren’t getting exactly what they demanded, they’d rather have nothing at all.

“The far left killed it,” says one of the leading business backers of the legislation. “They are worse than the tea party.”

That must be tough for the MCWC to swallow (no pun intended) butt (pun intended), all 60 of them made the conscience decision to jump into bed with the transtesticle fringe so, what’s up with the hate? They’re your team, and you all go calling them something lower than a bunch of – teabaggers? Wait .. what? Ya, I know, the irony is thick.

TEA movement folk out there… do file that quote into your memory when encountering their businesses – they are named here. Be sure to note within the names of the *business* Coalition that Jim Murray, CEO AT&T of Michigan, is also a sitting Board Member of the $1.6B “endowment” to play with (nah, his vote won’t be with agenda), which is roughly half of what the Snyder/Calley administration stole from us taxpayers as gift to BC/BS who loves their Snyder/Calley Obamcare Medicaid expansion, and insurance exchanges.

Now to bottom lines.

You Betcha! (35)Nuh Uh.(1)

To Serve….

At least the appointed to *manage* the Blue Line own up on camera as to how they think about you, and your wallets. Oh, and for those out there sitting in their lily-white suburbs who *think* this is just typical Detroit corruption, well, a $280,000.00 settlement says you are wrong.

The figure was determined by a three-attorney panel during a case evaluation, and both sides agreed to accept the offer rather than go to trial.

Officials with the Novi Police Department declined to comment, directing questions to their attorney, Tom McGraw.

Yep. Same sh*t – different day.

You Betcha! (15)Nuh Uh.(0)

Senator Richardville: You are not a stupid man.

So, let’s see if I got this straight:

You have a “conservative” majority in the Michigan Senate.

You have a “conservative” majority in the Michigan House.

You have a guy who only slapped on a republican moniker after his name because he knew that was the only chance that he had of ever getting elected governor back in ’10.

And with only 9 scheduled days left in your term (after today), you want to literally relieve yourself in the punch bowl and gleefully hand out samples to Michigan Motorists telling them it actually is Dom Perignon because…

…help me out here?

{Continued after the fold}

You Betcha! (11)Nuh Uh.(3)

You Scratch my Back, and I’ll Scratch…

Nice to see that “Screw you” Walker, hasn’t let his time in Lansing change who he is.

Capitol Confidential asked Sen. Walker what he thought the chances were that his bills would move through the Legislature this year.

BirdshredderFail“Well, we have very few session days left, but we also have the lame duck session,” Sen. Walker said. “With so few session days you really couldn’t say for sure that it would move – on the other hand, when there’s a lame duck session, you really couldn’t say for sure that it wouldn’t.”

Capitol Confidential asked Sen. Walker about a possible connection between the bills and Marty Lagina, CEO and founder of Heritage Sustainable Energy, which operates industrial wind plants in Northern Michigan.

“I’ve known Marty Lagina a long time,” Sen. Walker said. “He and I worked together on oil and gas development in the late 1970s. Marty has discussed the lawsuit situation with me. I believe this legislation might be a way to address the issue.”


This costly, dirt worshiping cult religion of Green Energy nonsense just never ends.

My guess is Howard’s inside deal for his buddy will take place right after the Nerd, and Calley plunder everyone’s wallet, yet again. Then, after that, brace yourselves for 30 by 35.

You Betcha! (13)Nuh Uh.(3)

Michigan State House Races

Cross-posted at The Western RightRight Michigan, and Red Racing Horses.

All 110 seats in the Michigan House of Representatives will be up for election in November. Republicans currently hold a 59-51 majority, following a 63-47 majority after 2010. There are 40 open seats, 21 held by Republicans and 19 held by democrats.  There are 30 open due to term-limits and 10 just seeking another office.

Republicans gained one new seat (73) and one existing seat (39) due to redistricting, but also lost one existing seat (55) in 2012.  They also lost five incumbents (52, 71, 84, 91, 110), not counting party-switcher Roy Schmidt (76).  They could have won several more seats with a more effective redistricting plan.

Democrats want to take back the state house, but face a difficult playing field.  Of the Republican-held open seats, only 56 and 61 are competitive.  They will try to defeat some Republican incumbents, but it is not clear how they will beat incumbents this year that they couldn’t defeat in 2012.

Meanwhile, Republicans will seek to gain seats.  The best opportunity is the open 84, which was lost due to scandal in 2012.  There are two lean dem open seats (21, 62) that may be competitive.  Republicans will also try to defeat several incumbents who picked up seats in 2012 (25, 71, 91).

State house fundraising is analyzed in the following articles.

Michigan State House Fundraising

Michigan Post-primary Fundraising Reports

Michigan Pre-general Fundraising Reports

You Betcha! (7)Nuh Uh.(1)

What “its” is

Now a brief message from the Michigan Automobile Dealers Associations’ schwantz-swallower.

Didja catch that? “It doesn’t change current law at all”. And, he stared us in the eye saying that. So, why is the legislature frivolously wasting our tax dollars writing Law that does nothing? More Snyder lies. Second point, if it had such “strong legislative support. The House vote was 106 to 1, the Senate vote 38 to nothing,” then what the f**k is this veto?

I have to give Snyder credit for one thing, he’s consistent – a consistently lying a**hole. Snyder knows it, and WE ALL KNOW IT.

Thanks, Rep. McMillin, for being the lone champion of free markets.

You Betcha! (31)Nuh Uh.(0)

Michigan Chamber of Commerce (unwittingly?) campaigning for Mark Schauer.


What’s in your wallet?

This is Rich Studley.

Rich Studley is the President & CEO of the Michigan Chamber of Commerce.

If Rich doesn’t learn to shut up, he’s going to learn the hard way that this comments will not be so “well-received” as he might think, and instead be giving voters a huge incentive to vote for Mark Schauer next month.

Big Friendly Hint: Not something you want to do with an election as close as this one.

{More after the fold.}

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