Because, it’s just too difficult for Boobus Michiganderus to check the box that says, “Expecting to be out of town on Election Day.”
Ruth, forget it – you blew it.
Associating with a nepotism hair-brain isn’t going to help, either.
You Betcha!
(17)Nuh Uh.

Has Ruthie succumbed to the "club?" Has she failed to resist the pressure, temptation, or some other negative force of the Party elite?
Has anyone ever seen this elusive 'Well-I couldn't-vote-absentee-because-the-current-process-is-just-too-hard" voter?
I'm being serious here.
In all of the articles I've seen & read on this issue, I've yet to see any proponents drag out even one example.
I'm of the strong opinion that this "mysterious" creature should be filed away with the "Little Blue Man", "Dogman" and the "Nain Rouge".
No.. Cannot say I have ever associated with someone who is so irresponsible, that they cannot set the day aside or actually ask for an absentee ballot with a reason.