Or, is it? Is this just how slippery Michigan’s modern-day Republicanism works, and how easily seen through their actor’s have become?
Some well informed RightMi.com readers may have thought this poke at the Lt. Gov. was just in jest – it’s not.
It is no secret that Rick Snyder’s political career is washed up in 2018. The further Snyder drifts his term limited “apolitical” Agenda to The Left, the more credence he lends to the Progressives in the Democratic Party. Face it, nobody buys Democrat-lite when the real thing is available for the price of a vote. It’s also no secret that I will not hesitate to take a poke at Rep. Barky when he deserves it for his hypocrisy.
So, what has Snyder’s SRY Team, and the Party’s apparatchik decided to do with young Justin’s #BFF?
Hide Brian Calley in Bogota, on a MEDC junket until the May 5th election fallout is over on the 36 hour news cycle.
Yet, corporate welfare, Rep. Barky says? Gas tax hikes and Medicaid expansion? Brian Calley cheer-led that.
It is what it is.

Interesting timing.
I still don't see how that'll save 'Lil Guv's political career after '18?
He might be able to get a job at a local CC like the TOOLman did.
Maybe McDonalds is hiring?
The political patronage machine is loyal to a fault. If you recall, even Kwame got a six figure job after being convicted twice.
No disagreement on the loyalty thing.
But I've got to disagree with you on describing it as KK's job offer.
I'd look to it more as an incentive, or bribe, if you will, by certain well-connected individuals who wanted him out of the spotlight toot sweet in Detroit.
They saw the legal system moving slower than the last ice age, and had the financial wherewithal to get that job done far more quickly.
KG, do you mean like PVS Chemicals? Ya, That Guy from Proposal 1 funding.
And, if you remember, the only reason the Romney/Rakolta clan remain clean in that "loan" deal was John's shyster told him he's nuts to get tied directly to KK.
Probably the best legal advice he received.