Hearings are set to commence in Lansing tomorrow (December 1st), pertaining to the widespread election fraud that has taken place around Michigan earlier this month, according to Michigan United for Liberty.
Details are to be forthcoming from MUFL pertaining to Committee(s) and Times.
The Michigan House and Senate are BOTH scheduled to be in session. A copy of the Committee Meeting schedule can be found here.
Despite what Michigan media is spoon-feeding to the entire state in industrial-sized quantities, the matter of addressing election fraud is still in play (hear that SML Shirkey and Speaker Chatfield!).
Also, MUFL is requesting that all Patriots submit FOIA requests to Gov. Whitmer and SoS Benson’s respective offices regarding Dominion voting machines. Instructions can be found at the bottom of this page.
I will pass along more information as it becomes available.
The Senate Oversight Committee will be hearing testimony regarding the election fraud at Cobo Hall (aka TCF Center) beginning at 10:15am today in the Binsfield Office Building, 201 Townsend Street, Room 1100.
Per Wuhan virus panic porn protocol, they WILL be limiting the number of people who will be allowed inside to testify. I have no information regarding their mask policy inside of that building.
If you wish to address the committee and are unable to attend/enter the chamber, you may submit your comments to this e-mail address.
The Committee Meeting will also be streamed at this link.
If anyone wishes to read up on the blatant and outright theft which occurred last month, I have included multiple links to the affidavits President Trump’s legal team have submitted in this and on other posts.
My advice if you wish to speak: Arrive early.
I DO NOT know if there will be anything scheduled outside, but according to my snitches, the other side DOES NOT have anything scheduled…do with that for what you may.
I do not have any information if anyone from President Trump’s legal team will attend in person.
The shameful and cowardly actions of certain “leaders” within the Michigan Republican Party have done what they could to make that as difficult as humanly possible.
Let that one sink in for a moment!
Members of the Michigan Republican Party actively sabotaging efforts to address election fraud.
Speaking personally, I certainly hope that representatives from his legal team do make an appearance.

lmaooo. The Committee schedules are absolutely hilarious. Not one but, two days of clown world and, chaired by none other than this stonewalling dope.
Honk! Honk!
M'kay, let's start naming names in Michigan.
lmaooo.... told you so: https://rightmi.com/sml-shirkey-speaker-chatfield-all-of-michigan-and-the-world-is-watching/#comment-101326
Should serve as warning to our Michigan legislators- certify this fraud at your fate.
Nothing Can Stop What's Coming.
Are the hearings open to the public? Are any groups gathering in protest of the fraud?
Mr. Sheets,
I touched base on your question above, but just to recap:
Anyone can attend these committee meetings. They are open to the public. Remember: these people work for YOU.
Aside from limiting attendance (some of these rooms are fairly small regarding "social distancing"), it is unclear as to what Wuhan virus policy they will adhere to.
The other side does NOT have anything planned.
This does not mean that you won't see anyone from the other side, they just don't have anything scheduled for today, so it will be difficult to mobilize any significant amounts of people given the time-frame.
Will this be on One American News today live?
Someone should shove Ed McBroom's iPhone up his ass. He knows damn well he's interrupting witnesses testimony. This is the biggest shitshow the Recucklican Lansing majority Senate has ever performed!
These hearings are a dog and pony show for the RINO's to try and save face with their constituents. The head RINO's Shirkey and Chatfield are too busy get walked all over by the Governor, the Secretary of State, and the Attorney General. We are going to vote in 2022 and we'll be using these exact same machines and Republicans will keep the legislature and Whitless will keep the Governors seat and nothing will change. Nothing ever changes. Republicans are too afraid to hold their own accountable to make any type of significant change.
"Hall, who chairs the House Oversight Committee, says concerns from constituents warrant the hearing."
Um, yeah.
I'm absolutely certain that it wasn't Michiganians blowing up your e-mail and phone lines telling you to get off of your lazy duff!