State Superintendent hints at major advocacy through school systems, and express advocacy.
With the push by big government to drive a 16.7% sales tax increase, we need to be especially vigilant.
A few days ago, Rick Snyder (allegedly) broke the law. We expect the filed MCFA complaint to be fought, but there is little defense when the AG Bill Schuette, and SoS Ruth Johnson were in the front row watching (Witnessing) him doing so. Certainly, the Attorney General cannot decide which laws he will enforce, right?
There are other folks with ‘skin in the game’ who will be weighing in on the ballot measure. One of them is State Superintendent Mike Flanagan. Flanagan, already pushing the envelope by posting his advocacy on a state (taxpayer) paid for website will be “actively promoting its passage” in venues as-yet undetermined.
The entire press release reads:
State Superintendent Supports Passage of Statewide Ballot Proposal in May
January 23, 2015
LANSING – State Superintendent Mike Flanagan today told hundreds of local school superintendents that he is supporting the statewide ballot initiative that will raise funds to improve Michigan’s roads and bridges, and schools.
“I am actively promoting its passage,” Flanagan said during his keynote address at the Midwinter Conference of the Michigan Association of School Administrators. “I hope all of you will be proactive in that regard, too. You know what it will mean for your schools; your bus fleets; and the safety of our kids.”
If approved by voters, this multi-faceted ballot proposal would generate an estimated $1.3 billion a year for statewide road and bridge repairs; an estimated $300 million annually for public schools; and give low-income families a tax break.
“Passage of this ballot proposal will help rescue Michigan’s basic infrastructures – roads, bridges, and schools,” Flanagan said. “These indispensable underpinnings need our support; need our commitment; and need our investment.”
Flanagan noted that individual members of the State Board of Education have expressed backing for the ballot proposal, and he looks forward to them moving together in support in the near future.
It is not only Flanagan, but every single superintendent and school administrator who needs to be watched closely.
Filing a part 57 complaint is not at all difficult, and should be done if your public official uses publicly funded resources to promote through express advocacy the passage (or denial) of ANY bond, ballot question or election items. They can talk of the benefits, they can say its good or bad, but they CANNOT say vote yes, or please approve, or urge you to authorize, which are things they can do in their private capacity, or in non taxpayer funded forums.
If watchdogs are not at all sure whether a part 57 violation has been made, ‘Google’ Express advocacy + Michigan, and review prior cases resolved through the Bureau of Elections.. The complaint form is available HERE
Make sure you read the instructions and follow them to the letter.
Sic em.

Gee, who could have ever seen the schools being used as an instrument for propaganda?
I mean, it's not as if they're sitting with a stacked deck of little mush-minds to cajole their parents into voting for this, yes?
But, why stop there? Why is not anyone keeping watchful eyes on Lansing's Moocher and Looter Agencies? Is not Snyder, throwing bait within government payroll by growing his monolithic Michigan Department of Health and Human Services?
Curious too is the conspicuous absence of opinion by the Michigan Chamber of Commerce on what is a looming second highest sales tax in the nation.
Small business in Michigan, has not hesitated to call out Snyder's Corporatist redistribution tax scheme for what is it:
Do note in position statement released above that 75% of what keeps Michiganians gainfully employed, and with food on many of family tables, do recognize that, Snyder's lame duck *bargain* is corrosive to prosperity.
No one has told the public just how big this expansion of MDoT is. MDoT's current budget is in the vicinity of $ 1.8 billion. A $ 1.2 billion increase in their budget is a 66.7% increase. This is far beyond what management science suggests is practicable.
Increasing organizational budgets faster than 25% per annum generally creates rampant disorder and feeds corruption. Anyone remember TSA?
Mmmm, lemme see here. Yep. Here you go, 10x25mm., has been on top of, and a leader at chronicling the MDOT Ministers of propaganda. A few choice selections? (excellent link for highlighting the depth of corruption within MDOT by, Sen. Bruce Caswell)
Many more available. Just use the obvious 'Tags' for easy navigation.
Happy reading.
I am still convinced that complete streets is designed as a tool of 'natural selection.'
Re: Rapid Budget inflation
Excellent point.