Statist Gary Johnson masquerading as a Libertarian, along with gun grabbing sidekick Bill Weld have apparently brought the circus to the Detroit News.
In an attempt to protect his #NeverTrump stance Finley goes ‘all-in absurd.’
Good grief.
No wonder kids have nightmares about these guys.
You Betcha!
(11)Nuh Uh.

I was watching a Johnson interview on one of the cable news programs--he was asked--"If elected president will you stop smoking pot?" He wasn't surprised by the Q I was LMAO--and thought for sure the next Q was going to be "Exactly when did you stop beating your wife?" Where's Ron Paul when you need him? I've put a word into the Trump camp that they should probably bring in Ron Paul--between the two of them, they can probably clean the place up.