Exactly what did you expect would happen?
Some people just don’t get it.
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Exactly what did you expect would happen?
Some people just don’t get it.
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There is a world of difference between someone who thinks that she can lead and someone who has demonstrated it by his accomplishments.
{2020 SOTU Speech breakdown and mediocre democratic response (I’m feeling generous tonight) below.}
2020 SOTS.
This was more predictable than watching the 2020 DNC Presidential Debates. Just without the part where everyone tries to one-up each other by seeing who can give away the most stuff that doesn’t belong to them.
{Your first Right Michigan breakdown of tonight’s speech below}
Just whose side are they on again, anyway?
Will this go into the goodies and new “rights” Gov. Whitmer will most certainly be espousing on tonight’s SOTS Speech?
This one is more about a certain team playing for the wrong side.
{More to follow below}
For the next three years?
Biggest liars in political history.
“I did not have sex with that woman” – Pres B.J. Clinton
“If you like your plan you can keep it.” Pres. B.O.
“That’s ridiculous. It’s nonsense and you know it.” – Then Gubernatorial Candidate Gretchen Whitmer responding to a comment that she will raises taxes if elected governor during the Grand Rapids WOOD debate last year.
Oh, this is getting better…
{Click below to read more}
I’ve seen halfwits and full-on stupid in our legislature before but, Lordy, this Republican dingbat takes the cake: https://www.michiganvotes.org/2019-HB-4576
It’s fundamental basic skills.
What the hell was her district thinking when electing her?
It’s not on the website yet, but the next meeting of the SE Michigan Tea Party will be featuring former Michigan State Senator Pat Colbeck who will be discussing the Michigan Grassroots Alliance which is an organization to coordinate interactions with elected officials, community leaders and candidates for public office with vendors and PACs.
The event will be held on Tuesday, May 21st at the Dave and Busters in Utica at the corner of Hall Road & the M-53 expressway. Doors open at 6:00pm and the meeting starts at 7:00pm.
If anyone is interested in learning more about the Michigan Grassroots Alliance, you can read more about them at their website or on Facebook.
As usual, Sundance is spot-on in his assessment. Mary Barra, perhaps the most questionable selection of a CEO in General Motors’ history, is not operating in the best interests of the working men and women of America, just the same as the politically motivated UAW leadership that fails it’s members. When it comes to these Wall Street players, sorry worker bee’s, they both are just not that interested in Main Street pain.
Also, of late Mr. Howes appears to trumpet the nonsense of autonomous vehicles, which GM, Ford, Google (I know, astonishing, right?), among a few others have gone “all in” as the way of their future business model. Meh, perhaps. However, all one needs to do is look at Tesla, Airbus, and now, Boeing, to see that autonomous vehicles are in no way, shape nor form, close to being primetime on our congested roadways. Not in our lifetime, anyway.
Pat yourselves on the back Boobus Michiganderous for placing the reins of power into the hands of Ignorance Maximous.
She can’t prove one way or another so she falls back ‘muh feelz’ thus declaring that as leadership? 🤦♂️
For someone who has held elected titles in Lansing, from 2001 thru 2015, this was not an accident unless she has Richard Bernstein selecting attire for her. Curves? Is that what corpulent menopausal females refer to it as now? It’s as if they believe that others do not have eyes.
And, on cue, not allowing an opportunity to go to waste, a white male Republican steps forward to Virtue Snivel. Lee, shall we discuss what a loser is and inappropriate? Soros NPV junkets? Millennials… the guiding compass in the House, which means this state is- totally screwed.
That stated, I fully cede the notion that there is a way to vote our way out of this creeping socialism, nanny-government mess that is Michigan. There are just too many bent-knee pandering fools and reprehensible, Retreads within to counter the opposition.