
Want to Have Nukes in Cuba?



Also, a reminder of what is wrong with both Party’s.

The Foreign Relations committee’s top Republican, Sen. Richard Lugar, praised Clinton, calling her “the epitome of a big leaguer” whose presence could open new opportunities for American diplomacy.


A second reminder? Sure, liberal Lugar is gone but, longtime pandering losers like McCain, Graham, Hatch, McConnell, et al., are not:

Do you understand, yet?

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Why telling it like it is should be a newsworthy event.

Why telling it like it is should be a newsworthy event.

I’ll be honest, the whole kerfuffle regarding the “Confederate Flag” hasn’t drawn very much interest for me because of the following reasons:

One, it’s not directly Michigan-related.

Two, it doesn’t affect me personally or anyone that I know (and I know quite a few people who fall into the category the race-hustlers are trying to round up on their side).

Three, I’m actually amused at the time spent distracting focusing attention away from real issues like disintegrating family structures, a education system whose outcome is criminal, cities which have devolved into war zones, the job situation (just to name a few), which are the direct result of actions taken by democrats (See: Cloward-Piven).

But someone sent me this video, and it…well check it out for yourself regarding one Kid Rock, a do-nothing group of “community organizers” (isn’t that a redundant description), their respective list of accomplishments…and the Confederate Battle Flag.

Yes, the content is “safe for work”.



You Betcha! (7)Nuh Uh.(0)

Michigan Senate Republicans invoke “leadership” strategy gleaned from watching South Park.

Just when you thought that things couldn’t get any stranger?

I bet you’re wondering which strategy that is?

Well, wait no longer (Here’s a hint: We’re at Phase 1)

{Click below the fold for details.}

You Betcha! (12)Nuh Uh.(0)

Benishek, Bishop, Huizenga, Miller, Moolenaar, Trott, Upton, and Walberg

Yessirree, folks. Yesterday, those names above sold out Americans, again (how they voted, here).

Read more over at Denninger (with UPDATED INFO), and at Vdare here, and, here.
But, but, but, Ted Cruz!

No, I don’t think so but, we here at welcome both Saul Anuzis, and Wendy Day, to come on here to attempt justifying Ted’s vote.


You Betcha! (13)Nuh Uh.(1)

Ready For A Crime Wave?

Governor Snyder's 'Smart Justice' Improves The Risk/Reward Payoff For Armed Criminals

Jackson PrisonMichigan House Bills 4419/4420, Proposed Substitute H-3, gut Michigan’s 25 year old mandatory minimum sentences for crimes committed with firearms. Introduced by Republican Representative Kurt Heise (R-20th) of Plymouth and co-authored by 28 bleeding heart Republicans (4) and Democrats (24), these bills:

    1. Convert Michigan’s long standing mandatory 2/5/10 year minimum sentences for criminals using firearms into maximum sentences
    2. Allow ‘use of firearms’ sentences to be served concurrently with the underlying crime sentences for the first time
    3. Allow prisoners serving ‘use of firearms’ sentences to be paroled prior to completing even these sentences

Now the proponents of ‘Smart Justice’ are telling the public that their effort will:

    – reduce the number of ‘non violent prisoners’ held in Michigan prisons
    – reduce the price Michigan pays for incarceration

As you might imagine, this is quite attractive to Michigan politicians who just got slapped down on Proposal 1. The Michigan Department of Corrections consumes $ 2 billion in General Fund revenues every year.  Roughly 20% of the total General Fund.

Governor Snyder kicked off this issue back in early March with his Special Message to the Legislature on Public Safety. The primary public advocate driving his ‘Smart Justice’ sentencing reforms is one Barbara Levine, the Assistant Director of Research and Policy at the Citizens Alliance on Prisons and Public Policy and one of Governor Snyder’s appointees on Michigan’s new Criminal Justice Policy Commission. She just released a massive study titled “10,000 fewer Michigan prisoners: Strategies to reach the goal”. This could produce up to a 23% drop in prison spending, something on the order of $ 450 million a year. A lot of new Lansing office buildings with views and more idle train cars in Owosso. A Pavlovian metronome irresistibly beckoning our state politicians.

But how much would it cost Michigan residents in crime taxes?

You Betcha! (11)Nuh Uh.(3)

Unconstitutional: Great Lakes Water Authority Lease Violates Michigan Constitution

--- Absence of Enabling Legislation Clearly Violates Article III, Section 6 --- 40 Year Lease Period Clearly Violates Article VII, Section 30

GLWA Detroit Seal ImageFriday, the Great Lakes Water Authority board approved a 40 year duration lease of Detroit Water & Sewerage Department’s assets and operations outside of the city of Detroit. This approval passed by a 5 to 1 vote with only Macomb County’s representative on the GLWA board opposed. The terms of the lease subordinate the DW&SD to the GLWA, a new intergovernmental authority created out of the ashes of the City of Detroit’s bankruptcy by a Memorandum of Understanding.

This deal was constructed as a lease to evade the 1963 Michigan Constitution‘s requirement, under Article VII, Section 25, for a vote of Detroit’s electors to approve the sale of any public utility. However, by constructing the deal as a lease, the City of Detroit is essentially granting a lease franchise covering the DW&SD’s water and sewerage operations to GLWA. The 40 year term of this lease franchise clearly exceeds the 30 year maximum permitted by Article VII, Section 30 of our 1963 Constitution:Michigan Constitution of 1963 Article VII Section 30
Merriam-Webster defines a ‘franchise’ as “ the right to sell a company’s goods or services in a particular area; also, a business that is given such a right”. Exactly the nature of the GLWA lease agreement with the City of Detroit. Should you doubt that the City of Detroit constitutes a ‘company’, Merriam-Webster defines a ‘company’ as “ an association of persons for carrying on a commercial or industrial enterprise”. Exactly what DW&SD has been doing for over 100 years.

State Representative Kurt Heise (R-20th) from Plymouth has challenged the establishment of GLWA under the 1963 Michigan Constitution’s Article VII, Section 28:Michigan Constitution of 1963 Article VII Section 28
Taken together with the 1963 Michigan Constitution’s Article III, Section 5:Michigan Constitution of 1963 Article III Section 5
it establishes our Legislature’s authority over intergovernmental units. But these two sections do not unambiguously grant the Michigan legislature exclusive authority over intergovernmental units, so there is probably legal wiggle room here.  Contrary to Representative Heise’s contention, a good lawyer could make a case that the U.S. Bankruptcy Court could establish the GLWA under Article VII, Section 28 and Article III, Section 5.


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