
Money Well Spent

"Bureaucracy" is never having to say you're sorry.

Government always has a plan for us.

In 2010 it was scam on the American people known as the “Affordable Care Act,” or ..more lovingly known as “Obamacare.” During the roll out of the ( site, there was little demand, and it wasn’t until other aspects of the law destroyed traditional insurance plans that the site began to see broader use.

The price tag of course was a healthcare system that collapsed in terms of value, requirements that people buy a product in order to remain a free citizen, and about a trillion or so dollar funneled into the pockets of those well connected enough to be a part of the scheme.

Federal ‘health’ insurance asserted itself into our lives with a full blown partisan takeover, and a traitorous piece of garbage in the Supreme Court rewriting the law so that it had some semblance to legitimate authority.

You Betcha! (17)Nuh Uh.(1)

Simply Corrupt

One Township/county alone reveals that Michigan elections are straight up untrustworthy garbage.

One could speculate a numb er of different ways what might have happened here.

In the end, a number of ballots that were apparently prepared by the same person tallied 68-62 Trump over Biden. The result however, is that “the most secure election ever,” as described by every non thinking pundit is probably the most damaging to our democratic process.  The crooked SoS Benson, even said “With these final numbers, we again have conclusive proof that the safety security and accuracy of the election results ..”

The lack of curiosity by the state officials who for all we know might well have worked for Ruth Johnson prior is alarming. And in an era where every single election does have consequence on those who may or may not participate, we have some in the judiciary who refuse to even look at real evidence when it is presented, the role of the elections chief becomes even more vital.

With all due respect to the person in charge of the most vital component of our Republic in Michigan?

You should resign.

Two years ago.

You Betcha! (23)Nuh Uh.(0)

Getting It Backward

Qualified immunity should be challenged when used as a shield to abuse private citizens.

AG Dana Nessel is not working for Michigan.  At least not for the people of Michigan.

Instead, Dana Nessel is actively combating those who take action against an out-of-control government. Her efforts include threats to those who would DARE to challenge the outcome of the elections or who would challenge the activities that occurred during the election itself.

Our “chief law enforcement officer” (her claim – not ours) failed to address the credible and direct threats to a member of a certification board, resulting in a coerced and wrongful sanction of Wayne County’s election disaster. Our “chief law enforcement officer” not only did not follow up on the real law breaking, the state then revealed that the canvassers who had only voted to certify only under duress and promises of an audit, that there would be no take-backs!

Real Law Enforcement had to step in and do the job a malfeasant AG could not meaningfully manage.

She suggests loss of license to practice law, monetary damages, and other punitive reprisals for anyone having the gall to attempt to challenge or correct the clearly tampered with election of Nov 3rd. She does so in a way that is designed to chill any further actions or voices that question the increasingly inept manner in which the ‘constitutional’ figureheads of Michigan operate.

Perhaps she does so because she is feeling particularly invulnerable, and stronger by democrat nominated Supreme court wins, and thinks she can throw her weight around with impunity. …Perhaps she can.

You Betcha! (20)Nuh Uh.(1)

TC Rotary Wishes You All A Happy Genocide!

Pass the yams please.

The family is on the way, and your are about to turn off the noise for for a day or two, eat turkey, mashed potatoes, stuffing, and laugh a little, hug the kids, and sleep it off.

Life is good.

And then, in your inbox comes a holiday message from your local Rotary.  You might think it will be a holiday message to bring out the cheer in a crazy and fully depressing 2020.  Perhaps a message of hope and good news from a charity that once promoted community coherence and unbounded ‘charity.’  “Happy Thanksgiving!” ..right?

No.  After reading this email you should do the socially responsible thing and hate your guilty white ass for even existing.

“This week, as many celebrate a Thanksgiving rooted in genocide, join us as we immerse ourselves and our families in the voices and experiences of our Anishinaabe neighbors. Sierra Clark is a local Anishinaabe woman reporting for the Record Eagle’s Mishigamiing project. Sierra became a journalist to tell the stories of her community from her own perspective.”

Yeah, nice opening salvo from the Rotary ‘holiday letter.’

Clearly, we should all fully immerse ourselves in the wokeness that anything ‘white’ ain’t right, and that settlers came upon a vulnerable 1st nation gunning for supremacy.  That Squanto was an original sufferer of Stockholm syndrome, and Pilgrims should have worn masks.

The year cannot get any stranger.

You Betcha! (15)Nuh Uh.(0)

Lockdown and police brutality protestors share a common enemy

It is rare when one topic can bring everyone to stand still, but a virus has and it has revealed and even more dangerous virus--Government overreach and abuse of power. We should be unified instead, we are even more divided.

It is rare when one topic can bring everyone to stand still, but a virus has and it has revealed and even more dangerous virus–Government overreach and abuse of power. We should be united instead, we are even more divided.

Each of us will handle ourselves as we feel appropriate, and we don’t require the government to treat us like children dictating terms of our survival, nor do we need them deeming our work “essential or not.”  The economic damage caused by the government could be felt for years to come by each of us.

Add to the mix another type of government over-reach, which are the abuses by a few in law enforcement, and then add in political opportunists who ready to exploit a tragedy and what you wind up with is rage and civil unrest

You Betcha! (8)Nuh Uh.(1)

Sunday Sermon – Faith and Freedom

1 Peter 4:12-19

This week, America will pause for Memorial Day, a day when we honor those who have fallen in defense of our freedom. But Freedom is more threatened now than at any time since General Howe nearly defeated Washington’s army on the shores of Long Island in 1776. In an effort to protect us from a deadly virus, governors from all 50 states shut down their economies and issued stay at home orders to their citizenship.

Today, I want to illustrate the Christian faith as the foundation of our freedom. I will begin with two statements, followed by examples that explain and support those statements. The first statement is that America’s Freedom and Greatness is built upon a Christian Foundation. I understand that secularists decry this statement. They believe that our nation’s greatness is due to other factors such as geography, our laws, or our democracy. But other nations have all of those same elements.

Some might go so far as to say that religions contributed to our greatness. But again, look at other religious nations. In fact, look at the most religious nations in the world today, where Sharia Law is practiced, and you will not find greatness or freedom, you will only find oppression and poverty. Yet, here in America, greatness and supremacy in economics is powered and influenced, not by religions, but by its Christian foundation.

You Betcha! (6)Nuh Uh.(0)

NO Authority

Michiganians must call Whitmer’s bluff.

The 1945 PA 302 does not grant unilateral power grab authority.  PA 390 Provided a check on her (or any governor’s) ability to extend such authority and subordinates PA302 with the addition of extension rules.

No one should adhere to her tyrannical decrees beginning May 1, unless Michigan’s legislature makes the mistake of extending her Emergency Declaration. Be strong and hold the line Michigan.

God Bless.

You Betcha! (30)Nuh Uh.(2)

End the CON

For too many decades, health care in Michigan might well have been better and cost far less!

Michigan has been CONned for far too long.

The Certificate Of Need rules in Michigan have resulted in less competition, higher health care costs, and reduced flexibility when emergency situations arise. Limiting the choice of consumers to bloated bureaucratic health care systems that have no incentive to keep costs down or protect their employees naturally.

Sorry for mistaken nation versus state numbers. Watch the video, you’ll know what I mean.

BY the way ..don’t wonder why there are layoffs.

God Bless

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