
Gretchenomics: Welcome to the Granholm v2.0 era

Well, that didn’t take long to cast sunlight upon the Progressive Left’s wealth redistribution scheme.

If approved by the Republican-controlled House and Senate, Whitmer’s proposed 45-cent motor fuel tax increase would occur in three separate 15 cent tax hikes on Oct. 1, 2019, April 1, 2020, and Oct. 1, 2020.

The first two tax hikes would increase the tax by 30 cents and bring in an additional $1.26 billion during the 2019-20 fiscal year. But documents submitted by Whitmer as part of her executive budget recommendation on Tuesday indicate that the net increase to transportation funding will be just $764 million in 2019-20 fiscal year.

In other words, $499.2 million — an estimated 40 percent of the $1.26 billion gas tax increase in 2020 — would not go to roads. Instead, it would replace current transportation budget dollars that would be redirected to pay for other state government spending.


Yet, this obscene agenda has support?

You Betcha! (11)Nuh Uh.(0)

Michigan Town Hall – We Build the Wall March 14th

We Build the Wall & MEDEFCO are hosting a Michigan Town Hall on Thursday, March 14 in support of The Wall in Warren Michigan at 7:00pm.

Sponsored by 100% Fed Up  & One American News Network the event will be held at the Faith Baptist Church, 26510 Schoenherr Road in Warren.

And it couldn’t be more timely.

From WBTW:

Join us at a Michigan Town Hall with Brian Kolfage, Steve Bannon, Kris Kobach, Sheriff Clarke, Angel Families and MORE.

About this Event

Michigan Townhall with Brian Kolfage, Steve Bannon, Kris Kobach, Sheriff Clarke, Angel Families and MORE.


  • Michigan Conservative Union
  • OANN- One American News Network
  • The Gateway Pundit

We Build The Wall, Inc.

⭐ We acknowledge that the federal government won’t be able to accept American Citizen donations specifically for the wall anytime soon.

⭐American citizens in the private sector are better equipped than our own government to use the donated funds to build an actual wall on the southern border.

⭐We Build The Wall, Inc’s highly experienced team is highly competent and will complete significant segments of the wall in less time, and for far less money, than the federal government, while meeting or exceeding all required regulatory, engineering, and environmental specifications.

***Ticket to event is free only to supporters of the wall, we reserve the right to remove anyone from the event for any reason at any time. You may be required to show ID with ticket upon entry.***

For those interested in attending, click on this link.

You Betcha! (9)Nuh Uh.(0)

The Word DUPLICITOUS Does not Even Begin to Scratch the Surface

It boggles the mind how this clown still collects a paycheck.

I’ve advocated for a tax increase to fund road repairs, and Whitmer reportedly will call for a 45 cents hike in the fuel tax. That will be painful for motorists, but necessary. Michigan has neglected its infrastructure for so long that there’s no painless fix. The hike will give Michigan the highest per-gallon fuel costs in the Midwest, but we have to do it.

Wrong, dummy, we already ARE the highest per-gallon in the Midwest.

How quickly everyone forgets.

As for the rest of this nincompoop’s idle drool about legacy costs, Proposal A, education and other adult age socialism, well, that’s what happens when local leaders cater to public sector unions for endorsements to the offices they sought, of which, the much ballyhooed Freedom-To-Work Act never even came close to addressing.

You Betcha! (10)Nuh Uh.(0)

Gretchenomics: $507M K-12 Boost for…. 70.3% Chronically Absent?

Where does the Progressive dystopia spending end? Apparently, not anytime soon.

Lansing – Gov. Gretchen Whitmer will propose a $507 million increase in state K-12 classroom spending in her first budget, including a $180 boost to the minimum per-student grant and substantial funding hikes to teach Michigan’s low-income, vocational and special education students, according to an overview of the plan obtained by The Associated Press

Whitmer’s proposed boost spending for at-risk students, to $619 million – a 20 percent increase – would be the third big spike in five years. The funds help schools provide additional supports, such as tutoring and counseling, to low-income and other disadvantaged students who account for half of Michigan’s 1.5 million students. The funding would equate to $894 per at-risk student, up from about $720.

What are the “3 big spikes in spending” net results?

You Betcha! (8)Nuh Uh.(0)

A Tale of Two Shitties

It is absolutely unconscionable to go so far as putting to a vote those who would reject protecting America from foreign invasion.

Yet, there it is: http://clerk.house.gov/evs/2019/roll094.xml

One assclown from Michigan, I get the vote as he is a trust fund baby who after 43 years in the swamp, and the only other notoriety is his niece has big boobs- his district is immensely swarthy. Congrats, Fred.

The 3rd District assclown’s vote? What a waste of space and, as all know about Justins’ kind- they’re not value added.

Both may as well be full-fledged Pelosi or, Alexithymia Ocashew-Cortex tribe.

You Betcha! (6)Nuh Uh.(1)

So, where is the REAL “Constitutional Crisis”?

This is a buzzword that you’re going to be hearing quite a bit over the next several days.

The democrats, along with their willing accomplices in the republican party (NO, this is NOT a typo), are going to be pulling out all of the stops and throw a temper tantrum worthy of a three-year old child as they allow the crisis along our southern border to fester and grow while they try obfuscate along with deflecting attention away from and prolong the problem for as long as they can.

Turning away potential voters/cheap labor/brand spanking new entitlement recipients does not bode well during the next election cycle.

Oh, and there’s more…

{Hit that little red button below find out what that is}

You Betcha! (3)Nuh Uh.(0)

Caliphate Curser Strikes Again

So, let us understand, this fun advertisement for a pub crawl is offensive and, this article Rashida wrote for Farrakhan is not.

Got it?

You Betcha! (9)Nuh Uh.(0)

Showing your true colors.

Despite the calls for “bipartisianship”(remember when THAT was the buzzword), “tolerance”, blah-blah-blah, etc, AG Nessel officially went off the reservation yesterday and signed Michigan onto a multistate lawsuit AGAINST Pres. Trump and his actions to protect everyday Americans from the illegal aliens massing along the southern border.

This is what happens when the republican kakistocracy runs a boat anchor at the top of the ticket and p.o.’s The Grassroots when it doesn’t cut ties with a certain Supreme Court Justice. Tom Leonard would NEVER have signed off on this!

Curiously, as of this morning, she didn’t feel that it was important to share her passion to protect a major threat to Michigananians with the rest of us through official channels.

I’m running late for a run, but more to follow later…

You Betcha! (8)Nuh Uh.(0)


Michigan Treasury form 5076 must be filed by February 20

If you own a business and are subject to Michigan’s PPT AND have less than 80K in fixtures etc., get this done ASAP.

You have two days from this posting to file this with your local taxing authority.  The upside is that this year may be the last year you have to file this annually.

Grab it HERE (or click on the image)

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